the crash.

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i woke to hearing people talk around me yelling. i look around noticing i'm on a gurney being pulled into the hospital. i tried talking but no sound was coming out.

"she's awake" someone said "what's your name sweetie" a nurse said pushing me further into the hospital "e-evie, evie j-jacobs" i said gaining the energy to talk "well evie you were in a pretty bad car accident we're just taking you for some scans too see if everything okay, is there anyone you would like me to call" she said with a half smile "my mom" i crocked "okay well, these two lovely ladies will take you to get your scans and i'll call your mom okay" she said rubbing my shoulder "o-okay" i say being pulled away.

they took my into a room to get a scan on my head when i felt light headed. everything they was saying was going slow and the world just seemed to be closing in on me, the last thing i remember is the nurse being above me.

Claire's pov

me and the others were all sat in the living room. evie hadn't left her room in days and i was starting to become really worried about her. she refused to talk to me or jay. but would only talk to belly. she got like this before but would always talk to jay. i got lost in thought until my phone started ringing. i look down to see an unknown number and i answer the call

"hello" i said confsued "is this claire jacobs" a woman said on the other end of the line "yes, who's this" i said "this is katie price from the hospital we was calling to inform you your daughter evie jacobs has been in a terrible accident and is now in surgery due to a bleed in her chest" she said with a worried tone. i dropped my phone and started sobbing making everyone look at me "mom" jayden said rushing over to me "mom what is it" he asks worriedly "e-evie, h-had an a-accident" i said crying more "s-she's in surgery" i cry. i felt eyes on me watching everyone tear up. "come on i'll take us, belly jere connie you all go in a car i'll take claire and jayden" she said grabbing her keys making everyone leave.


we all make it too the hospital and run around the halls finding the room the lady had told us to come too.

"claire jacobs here for evie jacobs" i said worriedly covering up my tears "miss jacobs, evie is still in surgery, please take a seat and i'll inform you when she is out and you can all go and see her" katie told me. i moved over to my seat and put my head in my hands "she's gonna pull through mom" jayden said hugging me "she has too" his voice broke which made my heart break even more

Conrad's pov

i was sitting in a chair next to belly and jere holding back my tears hoping they wouldn't ask why "what the hell did you do to make her leave the house" belly said slapping me. but i didn't stop her. i deserved it "your a complete dick, she could die" she said letting a tear full with jere grabbing her arm "she's going to be okay bells" jere said trying to comfort her "she's in surgery nothing about that is okay" she cried "i ignored her. she tried reaching out to me and i ignored her. it was so stupid what the hell is wrong with me" i crocked letting my tears finally fall. "she spent days in her room fighting with herself wether she should talk to you or not, deciding if she wanted to hear what you had to say even if it broke her more and when she finally had the courage to do it you shut her out, what the hell is wrong with you conrad" she said hitting me again crying. i got up and walked out the room trying to control my breathing. knowing the one girl i love more than anything and would die for is laying on an operating table who could die at any giving moment hurts more than anything ever has. the thought of her dying without me telling her how fucking sorry i am or how much i love her and want to be with her and hold her. that i want to marry her and have kids with her and just be everything she needs. knowing i may never get to do that makes my heart physically hurt.

i hear footsteps and i turn to see belly and here stood in front of me. "i know okay, i know i fucked up, i screwed up yet again. don't you think it hurts me to not be able to tell her i'm sorry or how hopelessly in love with her i am, or how i wish i never done it or how i want to be everything she wants and needs in life. to tell her she can count on me for everything and anything. to tell her i fucking missed her touch and her voice and her warmth. her laugh her smile. to not be able to tell her how selfish i am. i know belly i know it all. and i'm a shit person i get that but i love her, s-she can't die okay, n-not like t-this" i say falling to my knees

i felt hands swung around me and pulling me in a hug. everything in me wanted it to be eve but instead it was belly "this isn't fair, and it's all my fault" i cried harder. belly lifted up my head to her level "she's going to pull through i know it" she said with a half smile.

Evies pov

i woke up up to a beeping next to me and being in a room all alone until a nurse walked in. "you gave us quite the scare back then" she smiled adjusting my machine "i-is my family here" i whispered "there outside, i wanted to check on you before i let them in, just to see if you was okay" she rubbed my shoulder like she had done before i went for my scans "w-what happened" i say looking her in the eyes "well my dear. you got in a terrible crash. when you arrived you had consciousness for a while until we took you up for your scans you passed out, we examined your stomach and saw a bleed, we rushed you into surgery and was able to stop the bleeding" she gave a half smile as i looked down "thank you" i say quietly "for saving my life". "it's my job, and i'm more than happy to have helped" she smiled "would you like me to get your family evie"
"yes please" i sigh

i look up to see my mom and jayden enter first and rush to my bed "oh hunny, your okay" she sighed kissing my head "yeah" i looked down "sis" my brother said to me "hey jay" i say looking at him "your a little shit" he said with tears and a little laugh "always have been" i looked down "i knew you'd pull through" he smiled holding my hand.

i spent around 10 minutes with my mom and brother until the others came in and immediately rushed to me. belly pretty much on top of me hugging me like there was no tomorrow and here on the other side doing the same thing "don't ever do that again" jeremiah said hugging me tighter. it hurt but i knew they needed the hug "i wont, i'm sorry" i said kissing both their heads "you shouldn't have had to worry like that" i signed pulling them closer. i liked around the room to see my favourite yet not favourite person at the minute stood at the door with red puffy eyes and his fair falling infront of his face. even though i hate him right now he's the one person i need to make me feel better. "can i have a minute alone with him" i say to the other two laying next to me "of course, let us know when your done" belly said kissing my head getting off "we'll come back in a bit" jere said kissing my head too. jere belly my mom and laurel all went to get food while i layed on my bed looking at connie.

he made his way over to my bed and sat on the chair next to it. "before you say anything-"i tied to say before i got cut off "i'm so fucking sorry. i'm so sorry for everything. i was selfish, i shouldn't have ignored you. i should've told you the truth, and i'm so sorry" he said crying. i sat there stunned for a minute. "w-why, why did you do it" i said looking up at him with tears "i-i thought it was you until jere came inside and nearly beat my soul out of me. and when i fount out i tired to talk to you but you shut me out, and i completely understand. i was wasted and i made a dumb decision that ruined us. but these last 4 days have been torture to not be able too tell you that i'm in love with you. that i would do anything for you. that i would be there when u needed me and that i would hold you when your scared or lonely. and the thought of never being able to tell you that again made my heat ache" he said crying more

"it's okay" i finally gave in. "it's okay" i said putting my hands around his cheeks cupping his face in my hands "were okay" i let a tear fall "i love you more than anything conrad, and i'm so sorry i scared you" i sniffed and pulled him closer hugging into him

"i love you evie" he said kissing my head "i love you too conrad" i said drifting off into a sleep that i knew i needed

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