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Before anything here's what you should know:
-My first language is French, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes.
-Your character is y/n
-You're 18 y/o
-You live alone and work at a library (you love reading)
-probably eventually smut
You opened your eyes to a red sky and a cold breeze coming through your opened window. You saw eyes... although they were not the ones you heard of. They were blue sweet but cold eyes. You tried to get a better view but your vision was blurry and you heard a voice say your name.

You suddenly woke up. Your back was soaked with sweat and it was still dark outside. You looked over to your clock. 3 in the morning. You tried to go back to sleep but you couldn't keep those blue eyes and god, this-now that you thought about it- hot voice that said your name. Who was that?

In the morning, you didn't feel like going to work, so you called sick. You wanted to stay in your bed and catch up on the hours of sleep you'd lost cause of that strange dream, but you were still thinking about that woman-or at least you thought it was a woman. You decided to get up and go get something to eat. Once in the kitchen, you spotted the lemon pie and went over to take a bite-or maybe the whole plate- when you saw this box through the window of the kitchen's door. You opened the door and picked the box up to realize it was your book order. You decided to open it.

In the box, there were these weird old books, not the ones you'd asked the library. They were all stamped with the logo "S.G.E" with golden ink. You picked one of them, curious and went to your room to read and eat your pie.

Okay, a short and sweet chapter to begin with, this is really the base, I promise more interesting stuff is coming your way in this story.

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now