Chapter 5

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"Y/n, you went too far, you were supposed to injure him so he couldn't fight, not knock him out!"

You turned to face Lady Lesso. Even then she kinda turned you on and you hated yourself for it. Although she's just sounded angry, you saw the flash of a smile on her face. You knew she was actually happy about the turn of events.

"I'll have to punish you for miss behaving darling."

"What will my punishment be?"

You looked at Lesso with a provocative smile.

"You'll see soon enough."

She then walked back to the stage to closure the ceremony and you went back to your seat cheered by your friends.

"Lady Lesso wants to punish me."
You told them.

"What do you think she'll do?"
Asked Dot.

"Dot, seriously? Have you seen the way Lady Lesso and y/n look at each other? I think y/n is going to have a good time."

You hadn't realized that Lesso looked at you in a special way, sure she looked at you and kind of smiled, but was that really so uncommon?


You were on your way back to your room when two wolves grabbed you from behind and dragged you in the opposite direction.

"No! What are you doing!"

Neither of them answered you. They brought you into a dark room and tied you up on a wooden chair. Some moment later, you heard the sound of heels.

"Well, well, well."

Lady Lesso was in front of you. She wasn't wearing her familiar coat and was rolling up her shirt's sleeves. You thought to yourself god she's so damn hot, why does she do this to me? She's my Dean.

"Why thank you y/n, I'll take it as a compliment. Although compliments won't stop me from punishing you."

Fuck, she can read my mind, you thought while Lesso was walking over to the torture objects and grabbing an axe, smaller than the one you used earlier.

What a turn of events, you thought to yourself. She walked over to you. And put the weapon's blade under your chin and lifted your head up so you'd lock eyes with her.

"You know darling, I don't truly want to punish you. What you did today put a bit of kick in the boring show. But I have to for good measure."
She slightly pressed on the blade of the axe and it pierced your skin. You gasped and let a high pitch moan leave your throat. It did hurt, but it kinda turned you on too. You would never let her know that though.

"Y/n, I'd suggest you not to make waves while you'll be at this school. You have such a pretty face, it'd be a shame if I had to cut your cheek or something as a punishment."

Wait, Lesso thinks I'm pretty? I mean has she seen herself?

"Yes darling, I know beauty when I see it and I have indeed seen myself, I know I'm good to look at."

Shit, right, she can read my mind.
And she can do way more than that, you heard Lesso say in your mind. You looked at her and she smiled.

"Now, I'll leave you here for some time, the wolves will come and detach you at some point."

"Lady Lesso, you can't leave me here!" But she was already gone.

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now