Chapter 17

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"You look ravishing."

You're in your dorm, trying your dress for the Nevers ball when you see the Dean standing beside you. She started doing that, just barging in your dorm unannounced. For her defense, you do the same to her.

"Isn't it a bit much?"

"No, dear."

You hear her heels come closer to you and you see her reflection in the looking glass. She's insanely close to you and your breathing instantly becomes a bit quicker. She puts a hand on your waist and lowers herself to put her face close to your neck, taking in your perfume.

"Beautiful girl."

She kisses your neck softly and wraps her arms around you from behind, one of her hands resting on your stomach and the other one going to your breasts, touching your left one and squeezing it. You let out a soft whimper.

You feel her suck on your neck and you tilt your head to the side.

"You'll leave a bruise."

You whine.

"It's my goal. That way people at the ball will know you already belong to someone."

She bites your skin slightly and sucks on it, leaving a hickey and changes of spots, repeating her actions couple of times. You let her do, your brain in a haze.

She kisses your jaw sloppily and makes you turn your head to kiss you on your lips. She pushes her tongues inside your mouth and you moan slightly. She smiles into the kiss and holds your chin with her hand before turning you around so your body faces hers. She pulls you closer and kisses you deeper, her hands going on your back while your hands go around her neck.

Finally, you pull away and hug her.

"I'm so glad I have you."

"So am I."


You arrive to the ball. Lesso had to get there early and you still had some little things to do. When you enter the ball room, music is playing and there are already a lot of people. A single chandelier with black flamed candles hangs from the ceiling. You walk through the crowd, looking for her.

A girl grabs you by the hand and pulls you to her. You recognize her as a girl named Star.


She tells you with a wide grin before kissing you passionately. At first you freeze, but with the whole surprise and atmosphere, you kiss her back. You feel her tongue enter your mouth and you feel someone pull you away. Lesso grabs your arms so strongly that it hurts and pulls you out of the room and drags you to the doom room, pushing you inside. You haven't been here in a while now.


She looks furious and she walks to a wooden chest. She rummages through it until she finds what she's looking for. She slams the top close and you see what she found. A strap-on.

"Undress yourself."

You look at her with pleading eyes. Of course you want to be touched, but she's usually not harsh when it comes to sex and making love.

"You wanna act like a little whore, I'll show you. Undress yourself."

"You're not thinking clearly-"


You remove your dress as Lesso undresses too. You see her put the strap on as you're now both completely naked. She walks to the wooden chair and sits on it.

"Come here."

You look at the fake dick. It's bigger than you'd have imagined... you walk to her and stand really close to her. She pulls you closer and onto her lap, pushing yourself onto the strap as it enters your sex. You let out a loud moan as the plastic fills you and it hurts slightly. It's definitely big, but not to the points that it's not enjoyable. You lean your head on your shoulder as this simple action got you out of breath.

"Pleasure yourself."


"You heard me."

You try to catch your breath as you move your hips back and forth once, moaning. You feel her hands go to your ass and you start rocking yourself against her, the dick going in and out at a steady rhythm, controlled by Lesso. You feel her hands follow your movements and even push you a bit faster so you're riding her. You moan and whimper at the unfamiliar feeling and you bite your lower lip.

"Is that all you got?"

You move yourself faster, the feeling getting more and more intense as you feel your climax getting close. Your moans are getting louder and you squirm slightly. You feel the sweat drip down your back and everywhere on your body. You look into Lesso's eyes and you can see the hunger.

"Such a good girl."

She kisses you passionately, immediately pushing her tongue inside your mouth. It pushes you over the edge and you come over the strap, stopping your movements to breath.

"Did I tell you you could stop?"


"Keep riding me, beautiful."

You resume a small pace, whimpering. You know you're already close to another climax.

"Who's allowed to kiss you?"


"Who's allowed to fuck you?"


"Who's are you?"


She touches the hickeys on your neck with the tip of her fingers.

"Damn right."

She lifts  herself off of the chair, lifting you at the same time and sits you into the chair. She pushes the dick back inside you and thrust it fast in and out of you, making you roll your eyes back.


You yell as you reach another high.

"You're mine."

She pulls away and removes the dick. She lifts you from the chair. Your eyelids are heavy and you feel like you could not walk. You wrap your legs and arms around her as she teleports the both of you in her chambers.

She puts you gently down on her bed and goes in the bathroom. You hear her fill a bath and she comes back a moment later, picking you up again and carrying you to the bathroom. She gets into the bath while you're still in her arms and lowers herself in the water. You're incredibly sleepy and you just cling onto her.

Some other people would be horrified if their partner treated them that way, but you know she'd never have hurt you. She knew what she was doing and you understood the lesson, you even enjoyed it.

"Did I hurt you?"

She whispers in your ear and you shake your head. You face is hidden in the crook of her neck as you straddle her in the bath, your arms around her neck and her arms around your waist.

"I love you, hun. Please never do something like that again. I can't stand the idea of you kissing someone else..."

Your heart flutters and you kiss her neck softly.

As I was going over my old chapters, I realized that lesso's room number is 69 (I didn't know what that was when I started writing lmao) I thought it was funny. Also... again idk what the hell this was, maybe I'll come up with something soon. 😈

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