Chapter 6

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After what seemed like an eternity, wolves came in and let you go back to your dorm. Once you entered, your roommates immediately came to you ask you what happened.

"What did Lady Lesso do Y/N?" Hester asked.

"She just let me in the doom room alone." You said.

"Wait she didn't punish you in any other way?" Dot asked

"Well..." you show them the cut to your neck. "That's all."

Your roommates all look at you with weird expressions and Anadil speaks.

"Well we have to head to Lady Lesso's class now..."

You look at Anadil and smile.

"I'm not going to her class."

Your friends all look at you in a weird way and leave.


About two hours later, you're reading a book by the window and someone knocks at the door of your dorm. You get up and open it. Lady Lesso grabs your arm and pulls you with her.

"Wait, what? What are you doing?" You ask her.

"Y/N, you skipped my class. You can't expect I'll just let you go." Lesso says. She then looks at you with anger in her eyes.

"You're going back to the doom room. It seems like I should have been rougher." Lady Lesso says.

Lady Lesso pulls you by the arm again and drags you to the doom room. She pushes you inside and locks the door behind her. She takes off her overcoat and hangs it on a chair.

"Sit dow"

Lesso says, pointing at the same wooden chair you sat in earlier.

"Or what?"

You decide to defy Lesso and as you reply, a glint goes through her eyes.

"Do you really want to play this game Y/N?"

You look at Lesso, no emotion showing on your face and she looks you in the eyes before laughing.

"You're a special one. SIT. DOWN."

She yells at you. You just continue to look at her and grin. She grabs you by the back of your neck and pushes you towards the chair and forces you to sit.

"You know Y/N... I could punish you in so many ways, but I actually have a challenge for you. One of my younger students, Evelyn, has a huge potential but won't cooperate and she won't speak. I want you to make her speak. She's in the library right now. So either you try to make her speak or..."

Lesso walks to the torture objects and starts playing with a dagger.

"You can get a much worse punishment."

You look at Lesso, considering. She looks back at you, puts the dagger down and walks back to you. She leans in, taking a hold on the back of the chair and talk while she's really close to you. Your heartbeat doubles.

"So... what do you say?"

You look at her. Still thinking... you wonder what your punishment would be if you said no. Lesso laughs cruelly, straightens herself and literally slaps you across the face, causing your nose to bleed. You let out a small scream and wipe the blood off your face with the back of your hand.

"I said: what do you say? I promise you're not going to enjoy your time in here."

You look at Lesso and nod.

"Alright, I'll try to make her speak."

Lady Lesso smiles and looks you in the eyes.

"Good girl."

She then turns away, gets her coat from the chair and puts it back on.

"Come now, we're heading to the library."

This is actually inspired from a convo I had with "Lesso" on until it freaked me out cause it started talking about "private dms" and I deleted the app. Although I still thought the idea was good so :) hope you like it.

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now