Chapter 7

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You followed Lesso to the library, she didn't need to force you this time. Once you were there, she showed you a black haired girl that looked about 13 or 14 years old.

"So, you need to make her speak and to get her to cooperate with us. She could be a great villain if she actually did her homework."

You nod and grin.

"Don't worry, I'll make her speak."

Lesso smiles and starts walking in Evelyn's direction.

"Don't talk too fast, reader."

She walks to the girl and you follow her she then speaks to Evelyn.

"Evelyn, this is Y/N, she's here to help you. Please cooperate with her."

Lesso then looks at you, turn around and sits at a table on the other side of the library, opening a book. You sit down in front of Evelyn.

"So Evelyn. Lady Lesso told me you don't speak... why?"

Evelyn stares at you, never breaking eye contact.

"What? you're trying to intimidate me? Or maybe you just think I'm pretty?"

She keeps staring at you and you just stare back and grin.

"You know... I bet you do have a crush... maybe not on me, but surely on Lady Lesso, don't you?"

You see a tiny spark in the girl's eyes, so you decide to keep going.

"You have to admit she's your type... I bet you think about her before you go to sleep."

Her look becomes harder and you see you're getting a reaction so you go on and whisper.

"I bet you touch yourself thinking about her before going to bed and it helps you fall asleep, don't you?"
Evelyn mumbles.

"Shut up."
You go on.

"I bet you scream her name when you're alone, wishing she would look at you... yet even more touch you..."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Maybe someday she'll be interested my dear Evelyn... maybe one day she'll touch you... like she touched me."

You grin and you see Evelyn has tears in her eyes and she gets up quickly and says before walking out the library.

"Go to fucking hell."

You watch her leave and Lesso walks to you.

"What did you do?"

You look Lesso in the eyes.

"Made her speak."

Lesso looks at you with a kind of impressed

"How? And why did she walk away?"

You look down a bit.

"The girl has a massive crush on you Lady Lesso."

Lady Lesso looks in the emptiness, confused.
"How do you know that?"

You blush and look away.

"I might have implied that you and I... did
some...things. Then she teared up and ran away."

Lady Lesso looks back at you and raises an eyebrow.

"What kind of things?"


Lady Lesso grins.

"Good job Y/N, you found Evelyn's weakness."

I literally just go with the flow, this is NOT the story I'd planed at the beginning but whatever. :)

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now