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After your bath, Lesso lets you borrow some of her clothes again (or more like give them to you since you both know she'll never see them again except if you're wearing them). This time, she lets you stay. While you were taking your bath, she got changed in a silk black pajama and when you got out of the bathroom, she was sitting on her bed, waiting for you. You walked to her and she tapped the place beside her. You arrived to the bed and sat.
She asks you.
"So... what?"
You ask back. She looks at you and smirks before getting underneath her blankets where you join her. You don't know if she'd be the cuddle type, so you keep your distance a bit and lie with your back to her, yet you then feel her chest to your back while she wraps her arms around you and become your big spoon. You smile to yourself and relax. You fall asleep to the feeling of her warm breath on the back of your neck.


You wake up the next morning blinded by the sun. You open your eyes and that's when you notice the Dean doesn't even own any curtains. You notice her heat is gone from behind you and turn to look at her yet she's nowhere to be found. At least she was until she opened the door with two cups in her hands.
"Morning sleepy head."
She tells you with a giggle.
"What's so funny?"
"You talk in your sleep you know?"
"Wait, what did I say?"
Lesso giggles again and smirks.
"I tried to wake you up. It was supposed to be a sweet gesture after well... our heated interactions of yesterday... and you told me to go fuck myself."
She laughs again and poses the cups on a coffee table.
"I guess you don't like when someone wakes you up, huh?"
You smirk and get up. You wonder when the Dean of evil became this ray of sunshine, but you kind of like this other side of her.
"Brought you a pumpkin spice latte... I didn't know if you took coffee and I figured you'd be tired."
You decide to test the limits and try to hug Lesso. She lets you do so and wraps her arms around you although she seems a bit tense. She's not used to it. Noted. You pull away and smile.
"Thank you. For the pumpkin spice but for everything too."
She smiles and kisses your lips softly.
"Of course... so we can drink our pumpkin spice lattes and then head for breakfast. What do you think?"
You nod and grab your drink, taking a sip.
"Pure heaven."
"Oh, but yesterday I thought I heard you moan about something else that was pure heaven~"
You blush slightly.
"They are composants of pure heaven..."
Lesso grins and giggles.
"Okay, what do you want to wear?"
Shit, right. You'd forgotten you needed to get dressed in actual clothes.
"If I were in my dorm, I'd grab some black trousers, a white shirt and a black knitted vest..."
Lesso's finger glows and you see exactly those appear on the arm chair where her overcoat was resting the previous day.
"That's perfect, thanks... oh, could you also teleport me a bra? Please?"
Lesso smirks and you see a transparent black laced bra appear on the chair .
She giggles
"Hey, you had it in your drawer in your dorm. Not my fault. Besides, you didn't specify which one you wanted."
You smile slightly and take the clothes before going in the bathroom to change. When you come out, it's time for breakfast.


You head to breakfast with Lesso. Since you're earlier than usual, no one specially noticed you come out of the dean's bedroom and head to breakfast. Once in the dinning hall, you grab yourself some avocado toasts (or whatever you want to eat if you don't like it) and head to the table you usually share with your friends. You assume Lesso woke everyone up while you were still sleeping since you see students start to slowly fill the room. Good and Evil. Lesso is sitting with the teachers, glancing at you from time to time. Your friends eventually join you.

"Y/N! Where were you?"
Anadil exclaims. Shit. You and Lesso didn't talk about it. Are you allowed to tell people what happened? Probably not... you decide to lie.
"I was in the doom room again since I didn't listen in class yesterday."
Hester looks at you analyzing you. Can she feel it? Does she know you slept with the Dean? If she does, she lets it slip and gets up to get something to eat.

When you finish your plate, you get up to get your books in your dorm. You pass beside the teacher's table and head for the door. When you're outside the dinning hall, you feel a hand pull you back and you feel lips against yours.
"Miss me already?"
You giggles and look Lesso in the eyes. In that moment, you wonder what you are to her. Are you a simple sex toy or are you more like her girlfriend or... you don't know and it kind of annoys you.
"We'll talk tonight, alright? I know we need to clarify some things. I just wanted to wish you a good day and you better not skip my class, dear."
You smile. That's actually sweet. Wait, tonight? What's happening tonight?
"Right, I forgot to tell you. I'd like you to join me for tea in my office after dinner for now on. If you don't want to well..."
You smile and nod.
"I'll be there."
"Okay then, don't be late for class."
You kiss one last time and you head to your dorm.

Am I making Lesso into too much of a marshmallow? Maybe. If you think so, let me know... hope you like it :)

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