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As weeks go by, Lesso and you make all your free time to use to talk, make out, cuddle and well... you all understood. Sometimes, Lesso would even call you to her office during you class to "discuss business", but for a weird and strange reason, you always ended up half or fully naked... Wonder why. You really like her. None of you had said the famous "I love you" yet, but you both knew you liked your relationship and that's what was important.

One day, you were in Lesso's class and people had to demonstrate their talents. You weren't really listening. Your reasons for not listening were mostly being tired because of what Lesso did to you. Although, it would seem she wanted you to pay attention today.

"Y/N, against Lisa."
You woke up from your daydreaming.
"Sorry, what?"
"I said you were to duel Lisa. Get. Up."
Sure you two had something special, although she could still be a total bitch from time to time. You got up anyway and walked in front of the class were some of the desks had been removed for the duel. Your opponent did the same and you ended up facing. You didn't know what powers you had. You were fucked. The girl in front of you made a fireball appear in her hand.
"The rules are clear. You cannot kill each other."
The girl threw her fireball at you and you moved and avoided it. You had no idea what to do. What was Lesso thinking?! You ask yourself, panicking. You try to concentrate and find the magic within you. To find emotions strong enough to make something work. You close your eyes and try to go deeper and your soul. That's when you feel it. The burning feeling. The unbearable pain. The smell of smoking flesh. You tried to open your eyes, but your vision was too blurry and dark. You felt yourself stumble back and fall, trying to catch yourself on a near desk, in vain.

In the meantime, Lesso had neutralized Lisa who didn't want to let go of you. Your body fucking hurt. You felt cold hands on your face. At least you still felt something and weren't completely numb. You vaguely heard someone say your name. The voice was familiar. You then heard it shout something that sounded like "get out". You were lifted and some time later, you were in a bed. So comfy. You just wanted to stay in it forever. Some doors slammed open and close. You barely heard or saw anything. Then everything disappeared.


You felt the pain. It was still tremendous, but it wasn't as bad as before. How much time had you been gone? You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. You were in Lesso's bed. Lesso was asleep in her armchair by the bed. She looked terrible. Her shirt wasn't buttoned correctly, her tie was undone and her waistcoat unbottoned. You looked at your chest. You were wrapped in many layers of bandages. That was close. You saw the main door open to reveal Dovey. She saw you were awake and whispered not to wake the redhead.

"She tried to stay awake. Refused to leave you to eat or to teach." Clarissa says
You look at the Dean. She seems so tired. Exhausted. Dovey comes close to you with a small vial with some sort of cream inside.
"I need to change your bandage, sweetie."
You looked at her and nodded.
"Will I have scars?"
"No, this cream will prevent it. Stay still for me, alright?"
You nod and stay still while she changes your bandage.
"I don't know what you did to Lesso or if you bewitched her, but she's never been that way with anyone. Not even Rafal."
You'd heard of Rafal. That dork who dared to hurt Lesso.
"She really seems to love you Y/N. Which doesn't actually make any sense since she's evil. But somehow... you're making her a better version of herself. Thank you for that."
You look at Dovey and back at Lesso. She must have felt terrible after the incident.

Dovey applies the cream and wraps you in a new bandage.
"I'll leave the cream here."
She puts it on the nightstand.
"Lesso will do it next time."
She starts walking to the door.
"Thank you professor Dovey. Really."
"You're welcome sweetheart. And you can call me Clarissa when students aren't around."
You nod and smile.


You decide to act like you hadn't woken up when you hear Lesso starting to move in her chair. She already feels guilty enough without having to feel guilty about not being there when you woke up. You hear her get up and you feel her cold hand on your cheek and her hot breath on your forehead before she kisses it. When you hear her pull away slightly (cause of the noise of her clothing), you slowly open your eyes and grab her hand gently. She looks back at you and tears come in her eyes.

"H-hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Like I've been thrown off a plane and belly flopped on a lake."
You smile slightly. You try to make her laugh, make her just a bit happier than she is. You don't want her to feel bad. She smiles a bit and looks you in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry... I didn't know you didn't have any power, I thought you were joking, if I had known, I swear..."
"No. Stop it. Don't do this to yourself. It's not your fault, Lesso. Please. Don't blame yourself." You cut Lesso.
"But I hurt you honey. How can I ever forgive myself?"
"You didn't hurt me. Lisa did. Not you. Don't you dare think it's your fault."

Your hold on Lesso's hand gets stronger even though you're still very weak. You look her in the eyes. What would you give to be able to know what's going on inside that pretty head of hers. Anything.

"Can you just join me in bed? I want you close."
Lesso walks around the bed and lies beside you at a distance that crushed your heart.
"Closer, please~" you sound desperate but don't care a single bit.
"But I could hurt you."
"Lesso. Please. I need you right now."
She comes closer a bit.
"You won't hurt me. I know you won't."
She comes even closer until your bodies are touching and you slowly roll to your side, hissing in the process.
"What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?"
"I wanna cuddle."
Once your back is to lesso, you wait for her.
"You're serious right now?"
"You want me to heal? Come and cuddle me."
You feel her arms wrap around your waist and her chest press to your back. Finally.
"You're sure I'm not hurting you?"
"I'm sure. Good night, love."
Lesso is surprised by the name you gave her, but doesn't say anything. She takes a deep breath and you both eventually drift into a deep slumber.

I feel like people lost interest in this story, I don't know if I'll finish it... tell me what you think :)

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