Chapter 3

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Entering into the castle, you looked around you and all the other people there. You suddenly spotted a tall woman and walked over to her since she looked like she was in charge.

"Excuse me ma'am, where am I?"

"Oh, but you're at the school for evil, darling. Now back up."

She said that last sentence in a cold, but hot voice while pushing you with her cane. You looked at her. She had blue eyes and red hair was wearing a suit and was so tall but she still wore heels. And her voice...

That's when it hit you. That woman was the woman you'd heard and seen in your dream. Those blue eyes and that hot voice. You looked at her-stared at her- without meaning to.

"Stop looking at me like that little thing and close your damn mouth, you're not a fish."

You wanted to say something, but she spoke first.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, it's show time."

You watched her walk away and thought to yourself God, she's so hot, but who is she?

She talked to the people in the room and told everyone to find their dormitories and schedules and left through a door.


You went to the wall to look for your dormitory number. Number 66. You thought finding your dormitory would be an easy task, but you quickly realized the numbers weren't in order, so it was really hard to find your way.
Finally, you found it. You realized  the two 6 weren't aligned but thought nothing of it. You entered in the room and saw one huge bed Weird. You thought to yourself since you thought you'd share your room with three other students. You walked to the bed anyway and lied on it. You then heard the sound of heels coming your way.


You jumped and looked at the woman you'd seen in the grand hall.

"First of all, this is my room. Second, how do you know my name. Finally, who are you?"

"This is NOT your room you stupid girl, it's mine. I know your name because I'm the Dean of this school. My name is Lady Lesso."

You looked at her, your eyes widened and your cheeks got red from embarrassment although you couldn't help thinking Damn, she's so hot when she raises her tone.

"But this is room 66, isn't it, Lady Lesso?"

"No, this is room 69, I knew I should have had the 9 fixed. I'll help you reach your room, you should get ready for the never and ever gathering."

You saw her finger glow and found yourself in a room with three other girls in it.

Idk if anyone will even read this story, but if you do, I hope you're and will enjoy it. :)

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now