Chapter 19

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You're in Lesso's dorm, watching her as she's giving you the silent treatment. You helped her with the letters and tried to talk about Rafal again when Lesso opened a drawer and you saw a ring inside it. Lesso shut you out and you just followed her to her dorm.

You watch Lesso as she undresses to go to bed. She turns her back to you and acts as if you weren't there. You wonder why you keep talking about Rafal even though you know she won't answer and she'll get all moody.

"I don't talk about him cause I don't like to talk about him, sweetheart. I'm not being cold hearted, I just never talk of him and I don't want to."

You stay quiet for a small moment. Her capacity of reading minds can come in handy when you don't have the guts to ask questions.

"If I knew why he did, maybe I could understand better."

You say softly.

"Maybe one day, y/k. Not today though."

There's a pause again as you watch Lesso unbotton her shirt.

"I've heard the rumors, you know? People say he's back and if he is, I don't want him anywhere near you."

"He's not, don't be foolish."

"That Sophie girl said she saw him."

"She didn't."


"Shut your pretty mouth before I kick you out."

She says in a threatening tone. You shut up and watch her as she removes her shirt.

Lesso undresses until she's only in her undies and bra and she joins you in bed, where you were sitting. You're wearing one of her old t shirts and undies.

Lesso lies underneath the blanket and opens her arms, motioning to you.

"Cuddles, baby girl."

"I want answers."

"Then you can go sleep in your dorm."

You roll your eyes and lie underneath the blanket, on your side of the bed instead of in Lesso's arms as usual.

"Why do you have to be su insufferable and strong headed sometimes?"

You feel Lesso crawl to you and wrap her arms around you, pulling you to her, big spooning you. You feel her body against yours and her breath on the back of your neck and you can't help but feel at peace.

"I ask questions cause I love you."

You say quietly.

"I love you too, I just need time."

You open your eyes slightly and glance into the mirror by the bed, seeing a figure staring at the both of you.


You sit up and the figure vanishes. You open the light on the bedside and look at Lesso.

"What have you seen?"

"Not what, rather who."

"What did he look like?"

"Young, red coat, he seemed mad."


Lesso whispers and you look at her.

"No... He's... he's dead. It can't be. Right?"

Lesso sigh and close her eyes before looking at you.

"It can be. I've seen him about a month ago.

"Lesso... no... why didn't you say anything?"

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now