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Your day go as normal. You go to your classes and it's finally the last class you have today. You look at your schedule. Shit. It's with Lesso. You don't know if you should be happy or worried. You take your books and head to class anyway. When you arrive, you don't pay particular attention to the Dean and walk to the back of the class to take a seat in the corner. She eyes you. You feel it. You look in her direction and she's staring at you, eyebrows raised. I guess she thought I'd sit in front of her like usual. You think to yourself. Yet you stay there and lean your head on the wall next to you.
What are you doing? You hear her ask in your head. You don't answer and just ignore her. Other students arrive and her gaze finally goes somewhere else.

Throughout the Lesson, you pay attention and take notes, but you're mostly in you own small universe. You really didn't get enough sleep last night. That woman is going to be the death of you. At some point, without even noticing, Lesso is in front of you. You were doodling in your notebook. Fuck. You look up and meet her eyes.
"I said what's an effective way of torture?"
You look at her for a second before answering.
"Locking someone in a dark and cold room until they become insane."
Lesso smirks and leans in a little, talking in a low tone.
"I would suggest you pay attention in my class, darling. I would hate to drag you to the doom room again. Maybe I'll have to do just that. Lock you in there until you beg and scream, asking me to let you out."
She giggles evilly and walks back in front of the class. Everyone is staring at you. Hester silently asks you if you're alright. You nod and make sure to pay attention to the rest of the class.

After what seems like an eternity, the bell rings.
"Class dismissed"
Lady Lesso says, not even looking at the students before erasing the black board.
"Except you, Y/N."
You take your books and walk in front of the class anyways, sitting on the desk you normally sit at. Lesso waits for all the students to leave, she closes the door, locks it and turns to look at you.
"Why weren't you paying attention? The truth."
"I'm just tired. That's all. I didn't sleep much."
"Am I not interesting enough?"
Lesso says that while walking to you and putting her hands on your waist.
"Is that it?"
"No, I was just tired."
Lesso leans in.
"Maybe I should give you a good reason to feel too tired to even listen in class. Even when I'm the one teaching..."
She leans in even closer, one centimeter and your lips touch. She's trying to tempt you. And it works. You close the distance and put your lips on hers. She kisses you back instantly and her hands goes to your hips while your goes to her cheeks.

You kiss like that for an eternity... but not long enough to your liking before she pulls away, smirking. She walks to the door.
"You're leaving yet again?"
"No, dummy. I'm casting a spell."
Lesso casts a sound proof spell. You look at her questions in your eyes.
"What kind of spell?"
"Sound proof, dear."
She smirks and turns to you again.
"Oh, I don't want you to hold back sweet noises when we'll get to it."
You can't help but blush. From day 1, this is what you wanted. Her fingers inside you, her mouth against yours, the feeling of her smooth body and cold hands running on yours. Her breath on your neck. You wanted everything. You wanted anything she had to offer.

You get off the desk you were sitting on and she walks to you.
"You're sure you want this?"
You nod.
"Words. Nothing will happen if you won't tell me what you want."
You breathing is already increasing.
"Please what?"
"I want you to fuck me."
Lesso smirks and pulls you closer and kisses you. The heat is already rising, making the glacial room feel warm. Her hands run on your body until she lifts you up and puts you on her wooden desk. You wrap your legs around her waist and you lean back, making her lean forward. Her hands go underneath your shirt. Cold hands on your hot skin. Best. Feeling. Ever.

She kisses your neck while your hands go to her back, pulling her closer. She bites you slightly and you let out a moan. Your breathing is heavy and you play with her hair. Damn she smells so good. Lesso giggles and stops what she's doing for a moment.
"This is seriously what you're thinking about right now? My perfume?"
You blush and look her in the eyes since she leaned back a bit.
"You smell like French vanilla, cinnamon and a cold night breeze."
"Well done Y/N"
She resumes kissing your neck, leaving red marks as she bites and licks the marks she made. You can't help but whimper as she bites your neck again with a stronger force. Yes it hurts, but damn it turns you on so bad. She smirks and pulls away to remove your shirt before crashing her lips with yours. You French kiss intensely, your tongues fighting but Lesso obviously getting the upper hand. Not that you mind, you actually prefer it that way.
"I want to do it right for the rest. I'll teleport us to my bedroom, alright?"
You nod and feel the sensation of teleportation envelope your body before finding yourself in her bedroom, once again.

She pushes you to the wall, pinning your hands and once again presses her knee against your soaked sex, you let out a moan. You want her so bad. You need her. She smirks and pulls away a bit. She unbottons her overcoat and removes it.
"I could have done that."
You say. Yet she gives you a look before folding it neatly and putting it on an armchair.
"You really love that coat don't you?"
You giggles as she comes back to you.
"It's not 'cause I'll look like a mess tonight that I want to look like a mess tomorrow. But yes, I really do love that coat."
She smirks and kisses you again, before leading you to the bed and pushing you down on it. She gets on top of you and unbuttons your jeans while you stroke her cheek. She removes your pants before trailing kisses from your neck to your collarbone. You try to untie her waistcoat, but she pins your hands and look you in the eyes.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm almost naked and you're fully dressed."
"Patience is a virtue, Y/N."
You growl and she giggles before resuming her kissing.
"Can you sit up a bit?"
You do as asked and she removes your bra before kissing your breasts repeatedly. You let out a moan and she smirks. She then removes your underwear.
"You're so beautiful, sweetheart."
She kisses you on your lips passionately.
"Lie on your stomach for me, will you?"
She gets off you and you do as asked. She then lies on top of you, her front to your back, holding some fo her weight not to make you suffocate and she makes you both switch so you're on top, back still to her front. Your breathing is intense as one of her hands go to your breasts and the other one to what is between your legs.

You feel her cold fingers touch your clit and let out a loud moan. Shit, I hope there's a sound proof spell here too.
"Stop worrying, darling. No one can hear you but me."
Her fingers move over your clit while your back arches a bit and she kisses your neck from behind. Damn, she's so multitask. You hear her giggles.
"Your thoughts are killing me."
Her breathing is as heavy as yours and you suddenly feel one of her fingers inside yourself.
You struggle a bit, the feeling of it too much to take. It feels so damn good. She then adds up a second finger, moving them the exact way she should. You can't help but moan at almost every movement. You feel a pressure build up in the bottom of your stomach. You want it to go away. She suddenly hits your g spot and you moans louder than ever.
"Lesso! Fuck, don't stop."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
She makes her fingers go faster and it pushes you over the edge. Your body tenses up and the pressure goes away as your back arches. Lesso's fingers go slower to help you ride out your climax and she finally removes her fingers from inside you. She gently takes you off her and kisses you on the lips.
"Stay here, I'll run you a bath."
You watch her walk away. Did that really just happen? Damn.

So huh... yeah... haha... I have nothing to say... but it was inspired by Atomic Blonde. I always wondered how they got into that position... anyway.

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now