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You arrive in your dorm in utter shock. Your roommates are already in bed, sleeping, so you simply slip underneath your blankets and try to find some sleep, however you can't. You keep thinking of her. Of course you keep thinking of her. Lady Lesso kissed you and just teleported you to your dorm without further explanation.
What's her problem? You think to yourself.
If she's going to be like that, I'll just ignore her. She's acting like a bitch. You then lie back down and eventually find sleep after long hours of deliberations with yourself.

The next morning, you wake up to her banging on your dorm door to wake your roommates and yourself up. You get out of bed and Hester notice your strange clothes.
"What are you wearing Y/N?" She asks.
You suddenly remember the events of last night and you notice you're still wearing the clothes Lady Lesso gave you. Shit.
"Oh... just some clothes that were given to me, that's all."
"When did you come back, you weren't there when we went to bed."
"I came back after curfew..."
"Y/N, little slut. You were with her. You were with Lesso. In her dorm. Am I right?" Hester smirks and looks at you like a proud friend.
"Yeah, fine, I was with her, but we didn't have sex."
"Why are you wearing her clothes then?"
"She locked me in the doom room alone for more that 24 hours and she felt bad so she let me take a shower in her dorm, that's all."
"Is it really thought? She didn't do anything else?"
You think for a moment. You wonder if you should tell them about the kiss. You decide to go for it.
"She kissed me."
"No way! Really?! How did it feel? What did she do?! We need details!"
Hester is like hysterical. The other girls turn to you to hear it too.
"I told her I wanted her to kiss me and she did. At first it was soft and slow, but then it was more passionate and well... we French kissed."
Hester grins widely.
"Although she then told me I should sleep and teleported me without any further explanation."
"So? What's going to happen now?"
"I want to make her jealous."
You say. You thought about it thoroughly and it was the best conclusion you came to.
"I can play the role of your fake girlfriend if you'd like."
Hester suggests.
You say in a hopeful voice.
"You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all"
Hester says.
"Maybe it'll help me too with the blond girl I have my eye on."
Right. Hester has an obvious crush on Bellatrix.
"Perfect then."
You say.


You all head to breakfast. Hester's hand and yours are intertwined. You enter the dinning hall and take a seat at your usual table.
"It's show time."
You say as you look at Hester. You notice Lesso staring at the both of you. She seems conflicted and angry. You kiss Hester's cheek for good measure as you're sitting really close. Too close for friends (in most people's opinion). You glance at Lesso again. She's talking to Dovey but doesn't seem to really pay attention as she looks you from the corner of the eyes. You lean into Hester and whisper in her ear.
Hester nods slightly and you both kiss. Your hands go to her face and hers to your back. You talked about the kiss earlier, you made sure for it to happen before eating anything and after brushing your teeth, the action making you both a bit uncomfortable, but being necessary for the said "show". You break the kiss to breath and you both look at the destined person. You glance at Lesso. She look furious and she got up, but Dovey keeps talking to her.
"Ready for the final?"
You ask Hester.
She replies.
You kiss her again, you tongue slipping in her mouth this time. You then feel a strong hand on your arms. A cold hand with multiple rings. The person pulls you up and out of the dinning hall, into a classroom, closes the door and pins you against it.
"What game are you playing at, young lady?"
"I don't know what you're talking ab-"
You let out a ghasp and can't finish your sentence. Lady Lesso raised her knee and pressed it against your sensitive area. Fuck. She takes your chin with her free hand, the other holding you in place and raises your head so you lock eyes with her. You do so. God, her eyes are so blue.
"I'll ask my question again. Are you an attention whore or something? What was your goal in kissing Hester?"
You don't answer and the pressure on your sex increases, making you whimper.
"I wanted to make you jealous."
"Jealous? Why? I thought you got what you wanted yesterday."
You shake your head, still looking in Lesso's eyes.
"So this was all just an act? All of it?"
You nod. Lesso looks you in the eyes and lowers her knee to regain her balance and she comes closer to you. At this distance of the Dean of evil, most people would have fallen unconscious. Not you though. You want her as close as you can get her. She looks you in the eyes and presses her lips against yours. You melt under her touch. Her hands go to your hips and she presses her body against yours as the kiss gets more and more passionate. Lesso then breaks the kiss.
"Don't you even dare try something like that again, dear. Next time you won't get a kiss. You won't like what will happen."
Lesso pulls away.
"I need to go back to breakfast. As the Dean I can't skip the whole thing. Not for now at least. It's only the beginning of the school year."
You move away from the door and Lesso opens it to leave.
"You should go eat something Y/N. You were too busy having your tongue down Hester's throat."
You smirk a little and stay there for a minute or two after Lesso leaves the classroom. You realize your sex is drenched. Luckily you're wearing a pair of black baggy jeans, otherwise... you chase the thought from your mind and head back into the dinning hall. You grab yourself a bowl of fruit and allow yourself to a side of whipped cream 'cause why not and go sit with your friends again to a reasonable distance from Hester this time.
Lesso is back in her seat and she gives you a meaningful glare and you move a tiny bit further from Hester. Hester notices and grins.
"Guess it worked, huh?"
"You could say that..."
"Care to share what happened?"
"Later, Hester..."
Hester nods. You don't actually know what to tell her. You're kind of ashamed of the power Lesso has over you but you simply can't helps it.

Omg! Okay, we're getting there. Hope you like it, hehe. Also, I'll try to rearrange all my chapters, since I changed of writing style quite a bit since July... anyway, enjoy!

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