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Your day went by as usual, although you didn't really feel like making waves. You didn't see the Dean for almost the whole day and you didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing, since you would probably have been flustered if you saw her. After your last class, you went to your dorm. You contemplated your choices. You weren't actually that hungry, you were anxious about your imminent talk with Lesso. You could go to dinner and share a moment with your friends or stay in your dorm and read a book. After some time, you decided to get dressed in more comfy clothes and to go for dinner.

Once in the dinning hall, you grabbed a plate of food and sat with your friends. You were mostly in your head and playing with your food. You sensed someone looking at you.
Are you alright? You heard Lesso ask in your head.
I'm fine. You answered.
Still coming for tea? She asked
Told you I'll be there. You reply.

After a while, you get up and walk back to your dorm. You're a bit early for tea, so you grab a book in your dorm and walk to Lesso's office. You don't even have time to knock on the door that she opens it and invites you in. You go in, smiling softly and she wraps her arms around you from behind after closing and locking the door.
"I didn't see you a lot today." she says.
"Right?" You turn in Lesso's arms to hug her back, hiding your face in her chest.
"So... I know you wanted to know what you are to me this morning."
You pull away slightly and look Lesso in the eyes.
"We don't need a label, I just want to know if it's purely physical or if it's more..."
"It's more. At least on my part. How about you?"
You smile and nod.
"For me too, I was afraid it was just sex."
You hide your face in Lesso's chest again and hug her. She hugs you back, pressing her chin on your head.
"Do you actually drink tea? I never asked."
"Sometimes when I can't sleep."
Lesso giggles and pulls away, putting her hands on your cheeks.
"My beautiful girl."
She kisses your forehead and when she pulls away, you kiss her lips. It starts off as gentle and sweet, but it soon becomes passionate and with a side of heavy breathing. Lesso breaks the kiss to breathe and she walks to the teapot in which she made chaï and she puts two cups on her desk.

"The other thing we need to discuss is other people."
You look at her and nod.
"Since you're 18, we can legally date and there are no actual rules in the school that stops us, so I don't mind if people know."
You smile to yourself and nod.
"Perfect then."
You walk to the desk and come really close to Lesso like you're about to kiss her, but instead you take her hands and put them on your hips. She smiles at you and looks you in the eyes.
"How was your day?" She asks.
"It was alright... I'm afraid I was kind of in my own thoughts all day."
"What we're you thinking about?"
"Many things... mostly I find out relationship took a turn really fast. One day you lock me in the doom room and the next you kiss me."
"Is that a problem for you?"
"No, I was just thinking it through."
"You should drink your tea, it'll help you sleep better."
"What if I don't want to sleep?"
"What could you possibly want to do... oh I got it." Lesso says when she sees your smirk.
"You want to do it again don't you? You're so needy."
You giggle and walk away slightly.
"If you don't want to..."
"Y/N, I never thought you'd be so naughty."
You giggles again and take a seat, taking your cup of tea and blowing on it before taking a sip.
"Why didn't you want to undress yesterday?"
"I wanted yesterday to be about you, not me."
You look Lesso in the eyes and nod.

Some time later, you go back to your dorm to go to bed. You're surprised. You and the Dean actually didn't do anything. You didn't sleep together... You don't know if you're cool with it or kind of disappointed, however she helped you with your homework and you're now in advance in most of your classes. You arrive to your dorm, change into your pajamas and get in bed. Hester looks at you.
"Did you and Lesso..." she smirks.
"No, we just kissed and she helped me with my homework. It was a nice moment."
"Oh, alright then. Are you actually fine with it?"
"Of course, it's not like I'm a sex addict or anything."
Hester giggles at your words and lies down in her bed.
"Of course not, although you've been thinking about her so much that I thought you'd be craving her."
You think about it. Yes, you craved her badly. When you were in her office, for a short moment you imagine her lifting you onto her desk and fucking you until you couldn't walk. I hope she didn't read my mind in that moment... However it was indeed a nice night with her. Learning to know this other side of the scary and evil Dean.
"I'm okay with it, really."
You lie down too and that's when you hear Lesso's voice in your head. So you really wanted to fuck? You could have said so, I thought you were messing around. I hope you still enjoyed your night, reader.
You answer her It might have crossed my mind, but I wasn't fixated on the idea. I loved the time we had together.
Alright, darling. Sweet dreams.
Good night.
You pull your covers to your chin and close your eyes, slowly finding sleep. The tea did help after all.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, lol. I need a plot twist of some sort 😈. I'll find something. Enjoy, readers.

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now