Chapter 8

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You look at Lesso and smile.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Lesso grins wickedly.

"Well I'm going to use her crush on me."

"What do you mean? You're not going to do...things with her, are you?"

Lesso raises an eyebrow.

"What? Are you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? No."

You blush and look down a bit.

"It's not like I'm going to fuck her, are you out of your mind?"

You look at Lesso, relieved cause you both know you are jealous.

"I'll go see Evelyn now..."

Lesso grins and looks at you before turning and walking out of the library.

You go to your room and decide to go take a shower. None of your roommates are there, so after your shower, you decide to dress up comfy into joggers and a bra and to lie on your bed, reading. After a while, someone knocks on the door.

"Come in!"

You quickly grabbed a vest and put it on. You then saw Lady Lesso come inside your dorm and smile at you.

"Good evening Y/N, I just wanted you to know that Evelyn did all her homework, so you're free of punishment now. Just don't get in trouble okay?"

Lesso notices your book.

"What are you reading?"

You close your book.

"Oh, nothing, just a book."

Lesso comes close to your bed and sits down.

"What is the story about?"

You just stare at lesso. She grabs the book and read the page you were reading. You blush intensely.

"Y/N... you know smut is a forbidden kind of reading in this school, don't you?"

You look away, embarrassed.

"Don't act like you don't read smut yourself, Lady Lesso."

"I'm a grown up adult young lady, what I do in my free time is my business."

Lesso looks at you.

Lesso sigh and grabs your wrist, pulling you ouf of bed. She keeps the book with her.

"What are you doing?!"

"You were reading forbidden stuff and you just disrespected me. That means you're in for a trip to the doom room."


For the third time in a too short amount of time, you were dragged towards the doom room. Lesso looks at you.

"If I let go of your arm, will you just follow me?"
You sigh and look at her.

"Yeah, wouldn't want my punishment to get even worse."

"Good girl."

Lady Lesso let go of your arm and you walk besides her. She glances et you.

"Do you really have to make my life so difficult? I don't even have time for myself anymore since I constantly need to punish you."

You giggle and regret instantly. Lady Lesso gives you a death stare as you arrive in front of the door of the doom room. She grabs your wrist, opens the door and drags you inside. This time, she doesn't lead you to the chair, instead, she drags you to a wall on which chains are hanging and she puts the cuffs around your wrists.

"Why do you read smut anyway?"

She looks at the book in her hand and opens it again. She continues reading.

"It's about two girls, huh?"

You blush and nod.

"The background story is actually really-"
Lady Lesso cut you off.

"I don't want to know."

Lady Lesso then closes the book and walks closer to you.
"Do you imagine that the characters are you and someone else sometimes? And don't lie to me, you know I can read your mind."

You nod and blush.


Without wanting to, images of your previous thoughts-caused by your extraordinary imagination- comes in your mind. And you hear Lady Lesso chuckle.

"Me? You do know I'm your teacher and Dean, right? I'm also too old for you. I could be your mother. You're what? 16?"

"18" you say while locking eyes with Lady Lesso
"Well I'm 46, so you can keep imagining all you want... except if..."

Lady Lesso walks closer to you once again, she's now at arm's reach and she starts playing with the zip of your vest and pulling it down slowly. Once your vest is completely unzipped, she steps back a little and takes a look at you.

"You're pretty and you know it."

She starts gently playing with your hair.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you..."

"Please" you say under your breath.

"You really want me to fuck you, huh, little thing? You were really jealous of Evelyn earlier."

You blush and look away. Lady Lesso leans in and kisses you on the cheek.

"That's all you're getting."

She then grabs the book and head out of the doom room, locking you in it.

Okay, I know I keep teasing you guys with hoping something might happen, but I promise it'll come at some point, just not NOW. Hope you enjoy :)

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now