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Kenny had died again. He had died almost every day since he was born. This had become a regular thing for him. He would die for a few hours then come back as if nothing had ever happened. Whether it was a curse or a blessing, he didn't know. All he knew was that he was currently in heaven and couldn't wait to leave. 

He stood in the clouds, bored. Usually he would have to wait a while in the afterlife before God gave him permission to go back home. Kenny figured he had been waiting for a few hours and that he would be able to leave very soon. 

Then, suddenly catching his attention, he saw three people standing in the distance. One was a girl with curly light brown hair, one was a boy who was so dirty it was hard to tell what his hair color was, and the last was a boy with blonde shoulder length hair. They all seemed familiar to Kenny, but for reasons Kenny didn't fully remember, the last one seemed significant. 

Then it clicked. Damien Thorn had come to Kenny years ago to ask him how he could save his boyfriend Pip. It appeared as if Damien had failed at saving the boy, as Pip was standing right in front of Kenny. 

An idea came to Kenny's head. Maybe he could take Pip with him when he's brought back to life. He could take the other two with him as well- just to make things more interesting. 

Suddenly, the figure Kenny recognized as God appeared. 

"Are you ready to go back, Kenny?" 

Kenny stared back at God. "Uh- yeah. I am."  As soon as Kenny had said this, he slowly started disappearing and being sent to his home. Once this began, he darted towards the three ahead of him. The three looked up in surprise, but could say nothing before they were all sent back to their homes on Earth. 


Mole hated being an adult. He had so many stupid responsibilities. Gregory was always ordering him to do something- sweep the floor, help fold the laundry, help kill this government leader- all stupid things that Gregory thought were completely necessary. 

Mole hated this, but he had to admit it was better than his life with his parents. 

Living with Gregory and Estella meant constant chaos. Mole and the twins were always arguing about something. Half of the time they didn't even know what they were arguing about- they were simply bickering to pass the time. 

Despite all of this, the three deeply cared for each other. 

Gregory and Mole had been dating for years and Estella was their honorary third wheel. They didn't know what they'd do without each other. Probably die or some shit, Mole thought. 

The three were sitting at the table in their shared apartment. The home was only temporary, as they had to move around often. The police were always trying to catch La Resistance, and living in one home permanently was impossible. 

"Do you two ever think about Yardale?" Gregory asked, breaking the silence that had plagued the three. 

"I can't say I do, personally." Estella replied. 

"I do. Every day." Mole answered, attempting to contrast Estella's answer. 

Gregory sighed. "I have been a lot recently. It's really a shame what happened. I must say I miss those days, though. Life was a bit less stressful." 

 "Really?" Estella asked. "I assumed you'd think those days were more stressful since you had to deal with Mark Cotswolds." 

Gregory looked repulsed by the name. "Just because I was reminded of school doesn't mean I wanted to be reminded of him." 

Estella laughed. "I don't think you'll ever be able to forget about the prick." 

Sighing, Gregory said, "All I wanted to do was reminisce, and you just had to ruin the moment with Mark Cockswolds." 

"I love ruining moments." Estella said. 

Mole then thought for a moment. "I feel like there's a shit ton about Yardale that we still don't know about." 

Gregory nodded, also starting to think. "You're right. We learned so many things our last night there- and so many of those things still don't make sense." 

"Like our parents designing the fucking robot. What was up with that?" Mole added. 

"Perhaps we could find out at our upcoming class reunion." Estella suggested. This caused the other two to perk up, quickly remembering the event. 

"That would be perfect." Gregory said. "Another mission for La Resistance." 

Mole huffed. "Do you ever stop with the stupid La Resistance thing? You've been saying that since high school." 

"Nope. I'll continue to forever. Just like how I'll love you forever." the other replied romantically. 

"You two are gross." said Estella.  


Pocket was sick. He had found out he had Hepatitis B a short while ago, and was now worrying over how much time he had left. He didn't know how he'd gotten it- he'd never been in a relationship with anyone. He assumed he'd gotten it from some contaminated surface or something. 

How he had gotten it didn't matter, though. All he could think about was his high risk of death. His symptoms were slowly starting to get worse, and he knew his time was running out. 

All he wanted to do now was make the most of the time he had left. 

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