Separation Before Disaster

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After leaving Mole's parents' home, the group had to debate over where to go next. 

"We should go back and make sure Pocket is alright!" Pip said worriedly. "It's getting late. It would be rather rude to just leave him alone for the rest of the night."

Damien rolled his eyes. "He'll be fine, Pip. Gary said he had plenty of time. We should go to our next location and get it over with." 

"Well," Gary started, "I didn't say he had 'plenty' of time. Pip's right, it's probably best if we check on Pocket first."

"That actually may not work out." said Estella. 

Everyone looked towards her in confusion. "Why not?" Gregory asked. 

"Don't you remember you dimwit?" Estella questioned harshly. "Today is Father's birthday. Like he has every year, he'll be hosting a large party for himself. It'll be the perfect time for us to sneak in and get information." 

His expression lighting up, Damien said, "I think I was invited to that." 

"Of course you were. I'm not surprised Father invited the damned devil to his birthday party." Gregory huffed. 

"That's even more perfect." said Estella. "We have an easy way in." 

Pip sighed. "But what about Pocket?" 

"We would have to go to the party first." Gregory stated. "If I'm remembering correctly, there's only a certain amount of time at the beginning of the party when guests can enter. After that time is cut off, the doors are locked and security is at its worst." 

"We could split up." suggested Rebecca. "A few of us visit Pocket, and the rest go to the party."

"No, no, no." Damien said, shutting Rebecca down. "I don't want to leave Pip." 

Gregory shrugged. "It may be our only choice if we want to do both." 

Sighing and giving everyone a harsh glare, Damien agreed. "Fine. But just this once." 

At that point, it was decided that Pip, Gary, Rebecca, Mark, and Dogpoo would go back to Pocket while Damien, Gregory, Mole, and Estella went to the party. After exchanging quick goodbyes, they went their separate ways, hardly knowing what was truly ahead of them.


"I can't believe you're all making me do this." Damien complained. 

Estella clenched her fists, annoyed that she had explained the same thing to Damien several times from the moment they had left. "We need you with us so we can have an easy entrance. And, we aren't making you do shit you irritating dick rash. You were acting as if you wanted to go to this party."

"Well this is stupid." said Damien.

"It is not!" Gregory said in reply. "We must do this. The information we find at this party could help us end the Yardale project for good.

 Mole sighed. "Damien might be right. Doesn't this whole thing seem stupid? Why do we have to risk our lives just to end some dumb project?" 

"We could save lives, Mole. We can't let more innocent people die because of Yardale's work." explained Gregory. 

"But why does it have to be us? Why are we always the ones that have to get ourselves in trouble just to save some strangers?" Mole argued. 

"We're La Resistance. It's our job! We're revolutionaries!" exclaimed Gregory. "It's what we've been doing for years, isn't it?" 

"Well what if I don't want to do that anymore?" asked Mole. 

This caused Gregory to stop. He knew he didn't want to ask Mole to continue risking his life, but La Resistance was what built their relationship. It's what caused them to like each other in the first place, and Gregory feared its end would end him and Mole as well. 

"We're here." Estella suddenly said. 

The four looked up at the impossibly large mansion the party would be held in. Guests wearing only the most expensive of fashions were lining up at the doors, the line moving forward each time a security guard let someone inside. The four assessed the situation and planned their own grand entrance.


The other five made their way back to Sarah and Joe's home to see Pocket. 

"I really do hope he's doing alright." Pip said. "I regret leaving him here by himself." 

"I'm sure it's alright, Pip!" Gary replied assuringly. "Your sister and brother-in-law are looking over him. He's not alone."  

"I bet he'll be happy we're visiting him instead of going to that party anyways." Rebecca added. 

Shrugging, Mark said, "I honestly would've gone to the party if Gregory weren't going as well." He was quickly cut off by Rebecca elbowing him. 

"I hope he's not dead yet!" Dogpoo enthusiastically replied. He wasn't expecting the looks of disrespect and shock he would receive after saying that. "Sorry. I should've phrased that differently. I hope he's okay."  

The group arrived at Pip's old home and were greeted by Joe at the door. "Oh, hello you lot! Great to see you! I'll go let Pocket know you're back." The older man left the door for a while. The five were confused by how long Joe was gone for until he came back with a grim expression. 

"Is something wrong?" Pip asked. 

"He's gone." answered Joe. 

In a state of shock, Pip questioned, "What do you mean, 'gone'? Has he run away? Has he disappeared? Was he kidnapped?" 

"He's obviously dead." Mark stated.  

"No, he- he can't be!" said Pip, tears in his eyes. He darted towards the room Pocket was in and looked around frantically. Upon seeing the lifeless body that once belonged to Herbert Pocket, he knelt down beside it and sobbed. 

"Pocket- wake up. Please. You can't actually be dead. Gary said you have time- please-" 

"He's dead, Pip. Quit your blabbering." Sarah suddenly said, standing at the door of the room. 

"No- he's not- he's got time-" Pip pleaded. 

"He did have time." said Sarah. "But then you and your friends went and left him." 

Between tears, Pip said, "But we came back! And- and he's happy to see us! And-"

"Perhaps he'll be happy to see you in the afterlife." Sarah replied. "He's dead, Pip. Face it." 

Pip didn't want to face it. He couldn't handle the fact that his best friend was dead and he hadn't been there to help him. The others who had come with him tried to provide some comfort, but nothing could help. Pocket was dead, and not only would he be unable to go home and feed his pet bunnies, he would also be unable to hear from Pip everything the group had learned. 

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