Kicked Out

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On their way to the Cotswolds, Gregory, Mark, Estella, and Rebecca couldn't help but glare at each other competitively, each trying to seem better than the other. Everyone else in the group sighed at the immature rivalry and wished the Havishams and Cotswolds would get along for once. 

Upon their arrival at the home, Mark stopped the group. "Rebecca and I should go in on our own. Mother and Father won't want lots of strangers going into their house uninvited." 

Rebecca nodded, agreeing with her brother. Everyone else agreed to stay outside and wait, a few slightly annoyed that they couldn't observe what happened inside. Mark and Rebecca took a deep breath and walked into their childhood home, the group watching the two open the door and disappear from their field of vision. 

"So... what do we do while we wait for them to get information?" Gregory asked, desperate for a way to pass the time. He didn't know how long Mark and Rebecca would take- they could take years, for all he knew. 

"There's a mud puddle right here that we could play in!" Dogpoo exclaimed. 

Mole gasped. "I love mud." He set down his shovel, and he and Dogpoo dashed towards the mud  puddle. Gregory and Estella cringed at how disgusting the two were being. It was absurd how the two ruined their clothes and covered themselves in mud and dirt. Pocket shrugged and joined in on the chaos, getting himself muddy as well. Pip wanted to join in, but was scared he would see Damien at some point and look horrible. Gary just smiled. 

"You three are absolutely insane." Gregory said. 

Mole smirked. "Lighten up, bitch." He took a bit of mud and threw it at Gregory. Gregory's jaw dropped as he looked down and saw that his shirt was absolutely ruined. He froze in shock as he felt a tear fall from his eye. 

Estella could not stop laughing. Her laughter immediately stopped when she saw that Mole had thrown mud at her too, though. Mole gained an immediate glare from Estella, hearing her scream, "You absolute motherfucking unwiped ass! I swear that you will never face the end of this!" 

Mole giggled. "Idiots." He could then throw no more mud, as he had been tackled by Dogpoo. 

"What in hell is this?" everyone heard Mark ask, shocked by what had been happening before him. He and Rebecca had unknowingly walked out of their home with disappointed expressions, quickly worrying everyone. 

"It doesn't matter." Gregory said, doing his best to hide the mud stain on his shirt. "What did you two learn?" 

Rebecca sighed. "Nothing." 

"How could you have learned nothing?" Estella questioned angrily. 

"Mother and Father said they would answer none of our questions and that we can only return when we're doctors or lawyers." Mark huffed.  

"Well they sound mean." Dogpoo said, arising from the mud puddle. 

"Oh they're 'mean' alright." said Mark. "They're horrible! They're absolutely useless!" 

Mole snorted. "At least they didn't try to kill you." 

Gregory sighed. "Whatever. What do we do now?" Everyone looked around and shrugged. Things were now more complicated, as the only families left were the ones of Pip, Mole, and the Havisham twins. The Havishams were set on going last and Mole refused to volunteer to see his family. 

"Pip we're going to your parents next." Mole stated. 

"My parents are dead. How are we meant to ask them anything?" Pip questioned, confused. 

Mole then came up with an idea, desperate to stall seeing his own parents."Well were they bad people?" 

"I'm not sure. I never knew them." Pip replied. "Why?" 

"Maybe they're in hell. You know who could help us with that, don't you?" suggested Mole, hoping Pip understood. 

Pip immediately caught on. At first, he wasn't sure how they would find Damien. He could be anywhere! But then, Pip remembered a very important place that Damien may still go to every morning: 

The coffee shop. 


Damien followed the same routine every day: Wake up, get ready, go to the coffee shop, go back to hell, and work. Even though Pip was no longer with him, he still loved getting tea every day and annoying the shit out of Tweek. It was an absolute wonder that Tweek hadn't quit yet, Damien thought. 

Every morning, Damien sat at the same table in the same seat. Sometimes he imagined Pip was sitting across from him, smiling and laughing at their dumb conversations. He knew deep down he would never hear Pip's laugh again, though. 

Today, something was different, though. When he went to sit down, he saw something unusual. There was a can of Sprite on the table after there hadn't been a can of Sprite there for years. 

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Damien asked. 

Tweek quickly shook his head from behind the counter. "I think it just rolled in here!" 

Damien's eyes widened. He picked up the can and looked at it closely. It was the same one he had destroyed years ago. How was it here? 

He then felt it move somehow. Shocked by this, he dropped the can. Sighing, he bent down to pick it up. 

Damien froze. Another hand had gone to pick up the can at the same time. He looked up and met the eyes of a familiar boy with shoulder length blonde hair and an insanely ugly hat. 

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