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When Estella was six years old, her eyes filled with tears after she fell down and scraped her knee. Instead of comforting her, her parents scolded her for crying too loud. "A real woman should never cry." Mrs. Havisham told her. "Showing emotion is improper and weak." After that day, not a singular tear fell from her eyes again. 

Now that Estella was an adult and was crying in the bathroom of her childhood home, she didn't know if it should be considered moving on from her mother's harmful teachings or disappointing generations of women before her. Either way, the tears felt sort of relieving. Years of built up emotions were finally being released, and Estella felt both hurt and free at the same time. 

After realizing that Mole had been worriedly knocking on the door for a couple of minutes, Estella  mumbled for him to come in. Once he entered and sat down on the floor beside her, Estella quickly did her best to wipe her tears and compose herself. She knew she was allowed to be "improper" and "weak" in front of Mole, her own roomate and close friend, but the lingering fear that she would be a disappointment because of it still haunted her. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mole asked. 

Estella nodded and took a breath before speaking up. "I don't think I'll ever be good enough for my parents." 

"You don't have to be." replied Mole. "Parents are stupid assholes who have impossible expectations." 

"I know I don't. That's what makes it hurt even more." Estella said. "I know I don't, yet I still want to be. I want them to be proud of me but they never will be." 

After a moment of silence and mutual understanding, Estella continued. "Because I'm a woman, they don't think I'm capable of anything. Even if I were to live up to their expectations of being some stupid housewife, they wouldn't care for me because I'm simply their unimportant daughter. And even if he doesn't want it, they'll care for Gregory more because he's their son with a brighter future." The two both communally rolled their eyes before Estella added, "No matter how talented or pretty or perfect I tried to be, they'd send me off to some random places to 'become a proper woman' while Gregory got to stay home and enjoy himself. They'd be unimaginably strict with me, then go and be sweet with Gregory- all because I'm a girl and he's a man." 

"That's just unfair." Mole stated. "You're better than your parents will ever be- they shouldn't act like you're worthless."

"Well they do." said Estella. "They always will." Exasperated, Estella slid off her uncomfortable heels and stood up. "I give up. Let's go tell Gregory to hurry up and get the hell out of here." 

Mole agreed and got up with Estella. Once the two walked out of the bathroom, they were again met with the horrible face of Mrs. Havisham. "My goodness! What was going on in there?" she cried. "I didn't ask for you two to start having children before you were married! This is completely inappropriate!" 

"Oh, shut up." Estella huffed, tired of her mother thinking all she was good for was marriage and sex. She took one of the heels in her hand and bashed it into Mrs. Havisham's head, immediately knocking the woman out. Then, looking around her to ensure no one witnessed what just happened, she ran as fast as she could to her father's office with Mole behind her. 

Reaching the door, the two both held their ears up to it and tried listening to what was going on. Hearing the people talking inside, Estella recognized the voices of Gregory and Mr. Havisham. 

"What the fuck are they talking about?" Mole whispered. 

"I don't know." Estella whispered back. "I doubt it's anything good." 


Damien was standing across from one of his least favorite people- God. The two had never gotten along, and it had only gotten worse after Damien became the king of Hell. God thought Damien was too immature for the role, and Damien thought God was an annoying piece of crap. 

"I'm assuming you're here because of the incident with Kenny McCormick." God said. 

Damien rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I thought you'd want to talk with me about it, so here I am." 

"Good. For once, you're doing your job correctly." said God. "I have reason to believe it was Pip Pirrup who killed him- one of the three who escaped Heaven. He needs to be brought back here before he causes any more trouble. Do you have any information on his whereabouts?" 

"Uh, no." Damien lied. "Why would I? I don't even know who that is. You're crazy." 

God sighed. "And you're a liar. You don't understand this situation, Damien. If he isn't brought back here as soon as possible, horrible things will happen to him and many others."

"That's not true." Damien countered. "Why do you care more about him coming back than the others? I thought God was supposed to be fair." 

"His death was important for the future. Because he's now alive, horrible things can happen." explained God. "Although the other two broke the rules by coming back to life, they aren't absolutely needed here." 

"Bullshit." said Damien. "You just want me to be unhappy." 

"No, I just don't want the future to be a mess." God claimed. 

Damien huffed. "Whatever. Is Kenny just going to be dead forever, then?"

God nodded. "Indeed. His powers have been given to someone else." 

"Who?" asked Damien. 

Before he could receive a reply, Damien suddenly found himself back with the group of people surrounding Pip. Apparently God thought it would be unsafe to answer. 

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