A Flawed Plan

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Kenny found himself in Heaven once again, and he was not happy about it. He knew that there were many risks with bringing Pip, Dogpoo, and Rebecca back, and now he was basically being forced to bring back another person and risk more. Pip seemed to be going through some shit and Kenny didn't want to judge him, but murdering someone just to see your best friend again seemed to be a little excessive. 

Kenny respected the loyalty, though. He walked through Heaven to find this "Herbert Pocket" person. 

Before he knew it, he'd found the guy. Pip was right; Kenny did know him when he saw him. Pocket did seem to have recognizable features- bright red hair, buckteeth, and a kind looking demeanor made him easy to spot. 

At that moment, God appeared in front of Kenny, following the same routine as any other time Kenny died. 

God sighed. "Kenny, we must discuss something." 

Confused, Kenny asked, "Aren't you going to send be back to Earth?"

In response, God shook his head. "I can't allow it anymore after you took those three people with you last time." 

"What?" Kenny questioned. "You can't just keep me here- I have a family to take care of!" 

"I'm sorry, Kenny." said God. "I must revoke your abilities and give them to someone else. Please accept that you're dead now."  

Kenny didn't know what to do. Before he could ask God who the abilities were given to, God disappeared and left Kenny on his own. Kenny looked back towards where he thought he saw Pocket, but it appeared as if Pocket had walked away. Kenny was alone now- alone and dead. 

He was unsure of whether he was relieved or horrified. 


Gregory walked through the old mansion he grew up in and did his best to remember where his father's office was located. He had some difficulty, as mansions are typically very large, but eventually he found the office. 

After putting his hand on the doorknob, he gave it a slight turn and tried pushing it open. The door didn't budge. Assuming the door was locked, Gregory took out a hairpin and started picking the lock. 

No progress was made, and Gregory started getting frustrated. Then, he began to remember old times. On one of the first adventures he went on with Mole, he had a similar issue. 

Gregory laughed. "Father wouldn't be stupid enough to leave his door unlocked. It can't just be a pull door-" He then immediately proved himself wrong when he pulled on the door and it opened. 


He looked around carefully, making sure no one saw him, then snuck into the office. It was a massive room with walls covered in bookshelves and filing cabinets and a large desk in the middle. Gregory was never allowed in this room as a child, so he mentally took it all in before beginning his search for information. 

Gregory decided to skim through the cabinets surrounding the room first. For a long while, he found nothing valuable. Many were empty, and the ones that weren't only had useless papers in them. He felt very discouraged until he saw one file that caught his eye. 

The label on the file had only one word on it. 


Curious as to why his father was involved with Leslie and assuming it would help him learn more about what the Yardale organization was doing, Gregory took the file and held onto it, planning to look into it later. 

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