A Party to Die For

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"Are we going to go in or not?" Mole whispered to the other three, all of them hiding behind one large bush. 

"We can't just waltz in, Mole." explained Gregory. "We need to formulate a plan." 

"We also need more sophisticated outfits than these." Estella added. 

Damien shrugged. "That's easy." With a snap of Damien's fingers, each of their clothes changed into something more fancy and suitable. 

Uncomfortable in his new suit, Mole asked, "How the fuck did you do that?" 

"I call it Damien Magic." Damien replied. Damien actually wasn't completely sure; he was still trying to figure out the new abilities he'd gained from becoming ruler of Hell. 

"I quite like this dress. Your stupid 'Damien Magic' seems to have good taste." Estella surprisingly said. 

"She's right." said Gregory. "How'd you know orange is my favorite color?" 

"Lucky guess." Damien lied. Gregory wore orange every day. It wasn't surprising that it was his favorite color.  

Mole sighed in annoyance. "Whatever. What's the plan?"

After a moment of thinking, Gregory spoke up. "After Damien gets us all in with his invitation and threatening demeanor, I'll sneak into Father's private office while Estella and Damien cause distractions and ensure I don't get caught. Mole, you can go with whomever you'd like until it's time for our escape. At that point, we'll all sneak out together and crawl out through a hole under the large gate surrounding the mansion." 

"I'll go with Estella." Mole said. Estella laughed a bit at Gregory's clear annoyance towards Mole not choosing him, but chose to be nice for once and not mention it. 

"Won't we need disguises?" Estella suddenly realized. "Any of us could be recognized." 

"Again, easy." Like before, Damien snapped a finger and the four each found a pair of sunglasses on their heads. 

"Ooo, this is fun." Gregory said with a grin. 

"I can't see shit." Mole stated. 

Estella huffed and took off the sunglasses. "I refuse to wear these. I feel foolish." 

Damien shrugged once again. "Suit yourself." 

The four got up from their hiding spot behind the bush and walked towards the large entrance to the mansion. Whilst in line to get in, Estella stealthily snatched a hat off of a random lady's head and put it on herself for a better disguise. 

Once they reached the entrance, they were met with a security guard. "Name and proof of invitation, please." 

"Damien Thorn- and my guards." Damien said confidently, handing the guard his invitation.

"And what would their names be?" the security asked. 

Without an answer, Damien replied, "You don't need their names." 

"I can't let them in without knowing their names. It's just the rules." stated the security guard. 

"Well, uh-" Damien started, preparing to make up names on the spot. Pointing at Gregory, he said, "That's Mark Pocket." Then, he pointed at Estella and said, "That's Rebecca Pocket." Finally, pointing at Mole, he said, "And that's Herbert Cotswolds." Gregory and Estella had to hide the fact that they were offended by being named Mark and Rebecca, while Mole didn't pay any attention to what his new name was. 

"Sorry, sir." said the security guard. "We we're all given strict orders to not let a single Cotswolds in. Mr. Havisham hates their family." 

Damien was already aware of Gregory and Mark's hatred for each other, but he didn't know it ran deep within their families. "That's dumb. Let him in." 

"I can't. Strict rules. Sorry." 

Mole patted Damien on the back. "It's fine. You tried. I can wait out here." 

Reluctantly, Gregory, Estella, and Damien walked in while Mole came up with another plan to sneak inside. He decided to sneak in from the back and dig a hole inside- this being a plan he liked much more than the original one. 

When everyone had entered, Gregory snuck off to Mr Havisham's office while Estella, Mole, and Damien walked around the party, ready to cause a distraction whenever it was needed. . 


Pip knew he couldn't spend the rest of the day crying on the floor. He had to help Pocket by whatever means necessary. 

Tears finally subsiding, he mumbled, "I know how we can bring him back." 

Sarah huffed. "Don't be crazy. He's dead." 

"I was dead too," said Pip, "but I was brought back, wasn't I?" 

Quickly catching on to what Pip was suggesting, Dogpoo said, "How are we going to get Kenny to bring him back? Kenny would have to be dead, wouldn't he?"

"We can't just kill Kenny." Gary warned.  

"And why not?" Pip questioned, not caring at all about what he'd have to do. "We must bring Pocket back." 

"But not like this." Rebecca claimed. "This is wrong."

Pip completely ignored Rebecca and anyone else who tried to suggest that his idea was horrible. He stood up and shoved Sarah to the side, quickly making his way to the kitchen to find something. 

"Pip, what're you doing? Are you alright?" Joe asked. Pip didn't say a word. He only looked up at Joe wide-eyed as he took a knife out of a drawer and ran out of the house. "Pip, wait-" 

Knife in hand, Pip ran faster than any of the others who tried chasing him. After a while of running, his eyes finally locked onto a boy with blonde hair and a bright orange parka. Pip ran towards him and, to Kenny's surprise, tackled him and held the knife to his neck. 

"I need you to bring back Herbert Pocket." Pip said. 

"Holy shit, calm down!" Kenny fearfully said. "Who's Herbert Pocket?"

"A friend of mine. He has red hair and buckteeth and loves bunnies and is the kindest man I know- you'll know him when you see him. You must bring him back for me." Before Kenny could reply, Pip took the knife and repeatedly stabbed him with it until Kenny's eye's shut and his breathing stopped completely. 

Eventually, Dogpoo, Gary, Mark, Rebecca, and Joe had caught up to Pip. For a long while, none of them knew what to say about what they had just witnessed. They were in complete shock at the scene before them- not only because Kenny had just been murdered, but also because none of them had expected Pip to do such an irrational thing. 

Breathing hard, Pip said, "Pocket should come back any time now. I just know it." 

Pip took a minute to truly realize what he'd just done. His breathing started getting faster and faster until he collapsed to the ground. The four staring at him quickly ran towards him and realized he'd passed out in his own personal state of shock. Apparently he hadn't expected himself to do such a thing either. 

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