Their Final House

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Joe went back to his home while the group made their way to the Meyers house. They didn't know how this would go, as Leslie wasn't there with them to help things go more smoothly, but they all hoped the Meyers parents would be willing to help. 

Gregory was the one to knock on the door at their arrival. After waiting for a moment, a woman hesitantly opened the door. 

"Hello? Who are you all?" she suspiciously asked. 

"Are you Mrs. Meyers? Leslie Meyers's mother?" Gregory asked. "We went to school with her. We're all terribly sorry about what happened." 

The woman seemed to light up in surprise. "Yes, I am. Come in- and quickly." 

Everyone walked into the house and looked around. The place appeared to be very cluttered and unorganized with different mechanical parts and pieces. Mr. Meyers seemed to be sitting at a desk focused on some kind of work. 

"Dear, we have visitors." Mrs. Meyers said. 

Mr. Meyers quickly looked up. "Oh. Hello. What are you all here for?" 

Rebecca, who had formerly been Leslie's friend, decided to be the one to speak. "We've been wanting to learn more about Yardale and it's projects, and we're wondering if you two have any information on it." 

Mr. and Mrs. Meyers both looked at each other for a second, then looked back at Rebecca. "We do." Mrs. Meyers said. "In fact, we've been trying to stop their work for years." 

"Really?" asked Rebecca, suddenly confident. "Could you help us? We want to stop it too. They've hurt too many people." 

Mrs. Meyers nodded. "First off, the whole thing is run by Ms. Victoria, Mr. Havisham, and Mr. Cotswolds. They started it when we were all in high school to trick the government into handing them money. Since the government pays them for every year they work on the war machine, they purposely stall the project by sabotaging it whenever it's finished."

"Why doesn't the government do anything about it?" Mark asked. 

"The government is stupid." Gregory replied matter-of-factly. 

"Indeed it is." Mr. Meyers said. "Every year the project fails and causes destruction, Yardale comes up with some kind of excuse and person to blame, and every year the authorities believe them." 

"Because of this," Mrs. Meyers added, "Yardale gets to continue their inhumane projects without the authorities knowing and gets to continue making thousands of dollars from the government."

"Huh." said Dogpoo. "So that's why the designs for the robot were so bad." 

"Yep." Mrs. Meyers said. "When we were still in school and asked to help with the project, we told them that the design would fail and potentially hurt people. They acted like they cared, but in reality they didn't do a single thing about it." 

Wanting to learn more, Gregory held up the files he'd found in his father's office. "Could you explain these to us?"

 Firstly taking the check from the government, Mr. Meyers said, "It's sort of clear what this one is. It's the money the government gives to Yardale every year for the project. Second, he took the letter from Mr. Cotswolds to Mr. Havisham. "This one regards the rivalry that's been going on between Mr. Cotswolds and Mr. Havisham. When the project began, the two were good friends and hoped to be business partners for life. After they started fighting over who should gain the most money from the Yardale projects, though, they grew distant and began to hate each other." Finally, when Mr. Meyers took the file on Leslie, he froze. 

"Is something wrong?" Mrs. Meyers asked. After not receiving a response, she grew worried and looked at the file as well. "Oh my..." she began. "Why would they be keeping something like this?" 

"We don't know." Gregory said. "They had been using Leslie before she was killed, but we don't know much else." 

Mr. Meyers sighed. "This is exactly why we have to stop them. They'll keep on using and killing people no matter how much money they get. It needs to end." 

Nodding, Rebecca said, "We'll make sure this all ends and that you're daughter is avenged. Don't worry."  

"Thank you." said Mrs. Meyers. "If you ever need anything from us, we'll always be here to help."

The group left the house, satisfied with what they'd learned, and stood outside. 

"What now?" Mole asked. "We've got the information we wanted. What do we do with it?" 

"End Yardale, probably." Damien replied. "How we're supposed to do that, I don't know." 

"We won't have to kill too many people, right?" Gary asked innocently. Everyone stared at him for a moment, not knowing how to answer without breaking his heart. 

"We can't promise anything." Gregory answered. Gary seemed to be at least okay with that answer, so they moved on from the topic. 

Just then, the group all heard a scream from inside of the house they just left. There were also two loud bangs following the scream, and an eerie silence afterwards. From the windows, there also appeared to be a barely-visible blue light inside of the house that wasn't there before. 

"What the fuck was that?" Estella asked. 

Suddenly, shocking everyone, the door to the house opened and the group was met with someone they never thought they'd see again. 

Leslie Meyers. 

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