The One Happy Family

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The group made their way to Gary's family's home. Gary had been anticipating seeing his family again after moving out, as he and his family were very close. Many in the group had rolled their eyes at how close they seemed to be, jealous that they weren't so close with their own families. 

Upon entering the home, everyone suddenly seemed to receive a hug from Gary's parents. "Oh it's great to have you here with your friends, Gary! We've missed you!" Mrs. Harrison said with a bright smile. 

"Yeah, we've missed you a ton! It's great to have you back." Mr. Harrison added. 

"Aw," said Gary, happy to see his own family, "I've missed you all too!" By now, everyone was brought into the house and seated, the Harrisons making sure they all felt welcome. Each Harrison had bright smiles, their expressions not too different from the ones Gary always had. 

"What brings you guys here?" asked Mr. Harrison. 

Gregory then spoke, doing his best to lightly bring up the situation. "We have a few questions regarding Yardale. You two both went there and helped with a secret project, correct?" 

The Harrisons' expressions seemed to falter. "Yes, we were-" Mrs. Harrison answered, "Our family has for years." 

Gregory continued to interrogate them. "Were you at all aware of the damage the project would cause?" 

Both parents shook their heads. "We only wanted to help out!" said Mr. Harrison. 

"Help out with a project that would destroy shit and kill people?" Mole questioned. 

"Of course not!" Mr Harrison replied. "Our family just wanted to provide for the school." 

"Plus, they'd paid us to do it." Mrs. Harrison replied. "All of our tuitions for the school were paid for, and we didn't want to turn down a high end school like Yardale!" 

This statement caught Gregory's attention. "They paid you all to help?" 

"They gave money to everyone who helped." Mark said. "Rebecca and I got scholarships so we would help, and so did everyone else who worked on the project." Rebecca, Dogpoo, and Gary all nodded in agreement. 

"So they were bribing you all." Mole stated. "Great."

"They had to have known who was going to help from the beginning then. This is all some massive plan of theirs." said Estella. 

This made Pip come to a realization. "They paid me too." 

Gregory quickly turned his head towards Pip. "What?" 

"I got a scholarship for Yardale too. I didn't know why at the time, but now it seems like it was for a more important reason. Maybe they wanted me for something." said Pip. 

"But you didn't even seem to know about the project!" Pocket exclaimed. 

"I know." Pip replied. "I don't understand why they'd need me." 

"Let's hope we find out." said Gregory. 

The group left the Harrisons' home, Gary taking quite a long time to say goodbye. They then stood outside, not knowing where to go next. 

Gregory sighed. "Whose family do we go to now? I vote Mark and Rebecca's" 

"I second that." said Estella. 

"What? No!" Mark yelled. "We can't go to our parents. They hate us. We should go to your family."

"Our family hates us too!" Gregory said. "Estella called dibs on us going last anyways." 

Mark huffed. "You are so immature." 

Gregory gasped. "I am not!" 

Sighing, Rebecca said, "Let's just go to our parents and get it over with. The quicker it's done, the better." 

"You're right, Rebecca." said Mark. "Let's be the mature ones and go next. It'll prove we're braver than the Havishams." 

Estella scoffed. "You're nowhere near braver than us." 

"I suppose we'll see." Mark replied competitively. 

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