Chapter 5

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We take a bus to the Choosing Ceremony, and with all of my nerves - it's hard not to spew my guts in front of everyone. Though if I did, at least I know someone will help me considering the bus is filled with the Abnegation. 

When the bus finally stops, much to my relief, I can't see the Hub, not unless I tilt my head, and even then, I could only see a part of it. It is the tallest building in the city and goes through the many clouds in the sky. 

As we all walk over to the building, I notice that Beatrice is clutching Caleb's arm, looking very distraught. Caleb is the exact opposite. Calm. I am sure he has decided and will probably be going to Abnegation as everyone expects.

The elevator is full, and I take the stairs being my usual impatient self. I am followed by the rest of our faction much to my surprise, and it makes me oddly happy to think that I, for once in my life, am setting a good example. 

That only lasts for a little while, because we have to climb twenty flights of stairs to get to the Choosing Ceremony, and when I reach the top of the last flight of stairs, I am breathless. I'm not unathletic, even if I'm flushed and have lost my ability to breathe. But twenty flights of stairs will make anyone pant - any human at least. 

Andrew opens the door, and everyone passes through the door, leaving poor, very red, Andrew holding the door. I should wait - and I can see that Beatrice looks like she wants to wait, but I don't wait. This is the most important decision of my life - I will use every spare moment to think my decision over.

I'm a natural overthinker, as shown in my aptitude test. 

The room is arranged in concentric circles. On the edges stand the sixteen-year-olds of every faction. We are not called members yet; our decisions today will make us initiates, and we will become members if we complete initiation.

And if we fail... we become factionless. Like Jerry. 

Everyone is arranging themselves according to last names. Alphabetically, so Caleb and Beatrice are at the opposite end of the line as me. I can't see them from between Amy Gomez and Jude Gardner, both Candor smart mouths. 

Rows of chairs for our families make up the next circle. They are arranged in five sections, according to faction. Not everyone in each faction comes to the Choosing Ceremony, but enough of them come that the crowd looks huge.

The responsibility to conduct the ceremony rotates from faction to faction each year, and this year is Abnegation. Marcus will give the opening address and read the names in reverse alphabetical order. That means both Caleb and Beatrice will be choosing before me, giving me more time to consider if leaving Abnegation is what I really want. 

In the last circle are five metal bowls so large they could hold my entire body, if I curled up. Each one contains a substance that represents each faction: grey stones for Abnegation, water for Erudite, earth for Amity, lit coals for Dauntless, and glass for Candor.

When Marcus calls my name, I will have to walk to the centre of the three circles. I will not speak. He will offer me a knife. I will cut into my hand and sprinkle my blood into the bowl of the faction I choose.

Marcus, as I may have mentioned before, never liked me. Maybe it's the fact that my father originated from Erudite - but so did Andrew - or just because I can't live the Abnegation lifestyle like everyone. Either way, he's condescending and despite Andrew's constant praising of him, I can't help but dislike him. 

The blood thing to me though? It seems like a bit of an overkill to bind myself with blood. Very old-fashioned. But it doesn't change the fact that it will change my life forever. And how tragic the consequences will be if I choose wrong?

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