Chapter 9

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'Since all of you are transfers who aren't used to the physical aspect of Dauntless - two of you will get the day of every time,' says Four. I can't help but smile noticing I have no fights - and neither does Tris.

I look at Will beside me, who's sweating profusely. My eyes follow his, and land on his name. He's facing Al. 

Al who is built like a tank. Will is definitely not winning this fight.

'What flowers will you like for your funeral,' I ask, turning to Will. 'Roses or tulips. To be honest, you seem like the type of guy who loves a bunch of exotic flowers.'

'Stop rambling,' says Will, and he looks very sick. 'It's making me feel worse.' I smile, patting him on the back.

'Don't worry Willie, you'll do great.' He stares at me; with the nickname I had given him - I don't particularly blame him.

'Willie?' I nod. He looked like he was on the verge of laughing. Or having a nervous breakdown. I'm not too good at reading people. 'Okay.'

That was surprisingly calm. Nodding, I move away from him - allowing him to question his life choices by himself, as I join the girls. And by join, I mean scared the living daylights out of them.

'I hope you burn in hell,' is what Tris says, as I laugh at their horrified expressions. I grin at her, flipping her off, before turning to follow their eyes. 

They're looking at Peter, and his minions, Drew and Molly.

'Peter is pure evil,' says Christina, glaring scrutinizingly at the trio. I raise an eyebrow. 'Where we were kids, he would pick fights with people from other factions and then, when an adult came to break it up, he'd cry and make up some story about how the other kid started it. And of course, they believed him, because we were Candor and we couldn't lie. Ha ha.'

'Noted.' I look at the arena where the fight between Al and Will is taking place. 

I'll say this in the nicest way possible - but Will's getting his butt handed to him by Al. I think this may be the last time I tease Al. 

'And his evil minions?'

'Drew is just his sidekick. I doubt he has an independent thought in his brain. And Molly... she's the kind of person who fries ants with a magnifying glass just to watch them flail around.' 

I scrunch up my nose. I hope when Christina fights Molly - she gives her a good beating. Hope. Molly's probably going to beat her up, but Christina's pretty determined. And brave.

In the arena, Al punches Will hard in the jaw. I wince. That must hurt. Across the room, Eric smirks at Al, and turns one of the rings in his eyebrow. 

He's a sadist. 


Will stumbles to the side, one hand pressed to his face, and blocks Al's next punch with his free hand. Judging by his grimace, blocking the punch is as painful as taking the blow would have been. 

Al might be slow, but he's powerful. He could he not be - every time he touches me, I'm afraid I'll break. 

'I think they know we're talking about them,' whispers Tris. I follow her gaze once more to the evil trio of Candors, all of their heads together as they whisper like a bunch of gossiping girls.

'I think I'll have a talk to them,' I say, licking my lips.

'No, don't do that,' says Tris, sounding panicked. 

I grin, and stride over to them. They stare at me as I walk over. I can feel Tris's worried gaze on me. She probably thinks I'm stupid. And sometimes, I may be.

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