Chapter 11

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I don't hear my alarm the next morning. Or the shuffling feet or conversations as the other initiates got ready. I have been told a number of times I sleep like the living dead - and seeing as how I managed to sleep through all the noise they made, I'm starting to think that they're right. 

When I finally wake, it's with Christina shaking my shoulder, rather aggressively. At least she didn't dump a bucket of cold water on me - something which has rather unfortunately happened before. 

She's already ready, with her black jacket zipped up to her throat. If she has bruises from yesterday's fight, her dark skin makes them difficult to see. 

'Come on,' she says. 'Up and at 'em.' 

I groan, turning to face away from her. I didn't sleep peacefully tonight. No - the nightmares are back. Memories actually. Memories of my parents' death because I saw them get brutally murdered. 

But it's not the to think about it. From the words which are being whispered, I find that I only have fifteen minutes to be at the track. Or risk facing Eric's wrath. So, instead of sulking in bed, I force myself out. 

'I'll run and get us some breakfast. You just... get ready. Looks like it might take a while,' she says, eying me warily. 

I nod in agreement before reaching down to retrieve some clean clothes. I had no idea how painful it would be. Edward had really done a number on me - I'm seconds away from crying.

At least no one's here to see me struggle. Christina has already left so the dormitory is empty, asides from me, of course. 

I pull off the shirt I am wearing with ease, grunting in pain when I do. My body is covered with bruises. My skin is pink from where my nails have dug into them. I quickly change into my clothes. Comfortable clothes. A black sweater with nothing underneath, and a pair of jeans which are so loose, I need to wear a belt to keep them up.

I fumble as I braid my hair, the silky red strands slipping through my fingers. It takes a while, but soon my hair is resting on my shoulder in its usual braid. 

When Christina returns, she is with Tris, who looks down at me. I'm trying to tie the laces of my boots, but I'm failing miserably. I think Edward may have just broken my fingers. Shame

'Here's a muffin,' says Christina, throwing a chocolate chip muffin at me. One which I try to grab, but am too slow since it falls to the ground.

This makes me snap. 

A range of foul curse words leaves me lips before I can stop myself. Words so bad that even Christina's jaw drops. Tris rushes forwards and ties my laces while I look at the muffin which rests pathetically on the floor. 

'Get her another muffin,' says Tris, once she is done tying my shoelaces. Christina leaves while Tris takes a seat beside me, patting me softly on the shoulder. It's comforting. 

When Christina is back, I feel much happier. I all but shove the muffin down my throat. Once Christina is sure I'm ready, and - you know - stable, they drag me to the Pit. 

We have a train to catch, and soon I am running on my own. When we reach the tracks, I have my usual grin on my face, along with a third of my breakfast. While I'm desperately wiping at my mouth with the sleeve of my sweater, everyone else is jumping onto the train. 

Will hoists himself into the car with some difficulty, landing first on his stomach and then dragging his legs in behind him. Four grabs the handle on the side of the car and pulls himself in smoothly, like he doesn't have more than six feet of body to work with.

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