Chapter 10

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That night, I dream that Christina hangs from the railing again - except by only her toes this time. But it's different - because Caleb's hanging too. They tell me I can only save one of them. I try to save Caleb - but he falls before I can. And there is a betrayed look on Christina's face. 

I wake up soaked in a puddle of my own sweat and shaky from the dream. I'm not too bothered by the nightmare - I have grown accustomed to them, and I prefer this over my usual nightmares. 

Without spending another a minute thinking of the ghastly nightmare, I had, I walk to the girls' bathroom to shower and change. When I return to the room, I find my bed is a complete mess. The word "Stiff" is spray-painted across my mattress in red. The word is written smaller along the bed frame, and again on my pillow. 

I should be angry, but I'm just grateful for the distraction. 

Peter is standing behind me, whistly as he fluffs his pillow. It's hard to hate him. Not because I like him - no, he's a pathetic excuse for a human being, but he looks so... kind. His eyebrows turn upward naturally, and he has a wide, white smile. 

As pretty as he may be, he's still pure evil. 

'Nice decorations,' he says. I nod blankly. 

'I supposed they are since you chose them yourself,' I say as I rip the sheet from the mattress, throwing it in a pile on the floor. 'I can't thank you enough.' My voice is filled with irony. 

'Your Stiff friend has got some decorations of her own, too,' he says lightly while I pull off the pillowcases from my pillows. 

'How delightful,' I say, my voice heavy with sarcasm. 

I know what he's trying to do. I know he's trying to make me angry. Get a reaction. And usually, he would succeed in doing so. Not today. I'm just too - tired. Way to tired to deal with him. 

'Yes, I'm sure I'm sure I am,' says Peter. I turn around to face him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I must be really tired but -

'Are you trying to insult me, or flirt?' 

'Why can't it be both?' With that, he leaves the room, leaving me very confused. For a second, I just stare at the open door, before facing my bed again stripping it of its last piece of graffiti. I'm just glad it isn't permanent. 

Once I have put everything to wash, I head to the training where I see all of my friends whispering together in a tight-knit group. When they see me approaching, they immediately stop. 

'What?' I ask tiredly. Will looks at me, unsure of whether he should share or not. 

'Have you...' he hesitates, taking a deep breath. 'Have you checked the chalkboard?' 

I shake my head, before turning to look. I will have to fight today since I had gotten a day off. Annoying since I'm feeling particularly sluggish today. All of my tiredness disappears when I look at the my chalkboard, my jaw dropping. 

No! Not him! Anyone but him!

'Edward!' I slump down against the wall, trying not to wallow in self-pity which is proving to be very difficult with my current situation. 'Edward who's been studying hand-to-hand combat since he was twelve?' 

'He actually started when he was ten -' starts Will, but he is cut off by a glare from Christina, which causes him to smile sheepishly at me. 'At least the fight will be over quickly?' 

'Gee, thanks,' I say, sarcastically.

What is with my luck today? First Peter completely vandalizes my bed, and now I have to fight Edward? Tall, scary, Erudite Edward? 

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