Chapter 14

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Today's the day before Visiting Day and I'm having mixed feelings about tomorrow. Rightfully, since it's extremely unlikely to whether I would have visitors. Perhaps if my family had been alive, they would've visited - but I'm not as sure about Andrew and Natalie. While I'm fairly certain Natalie would wish to visit, at least Tris, I have no doubts that Andrew will refuse to come. 

I suppose I only have myself to blame. Still, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Andrew had been like a father to me, and now? He most likely regarded me as scum, as he did the rest of Dauntless. 

I tug at the hem of the shirt - which is extremely low. The shirt itself is huge - reaching well past my knees. It's more than a few sizes bigger than me. The pants too. They're falling. If I try to walk, they will most likely slip down to my ankles. I don't think these are my clothes - I must've grabbed someone else's by accident. 

My eyebrows furrow as I try to recall back to this morning. Al had been folding his laundry, and he had left a pile of his and Will's clothes on my bed. He must've left a few garments on my bed - and I, as my typical stupid self, grabbed them without bothering to check if they're mine. 

Huffing lowly, I tug the shirt over my head and pull off the pants before wrapping myself securely with a towel. A towel which doesn't cover me completely but will do. I hope there's no one in the dormitory regardless.

Unfortunately, I have the most terrible luck in the world, and when I open the door to the dormitory there is not one, but numerous people. Some of my least favorite people are laughing in the dormitory, Peter, Drew and Molly. There are a few others, but I don't really pay attention to them when I'm trying to fight the urge to run

'Didn't realize you were so skinny, Stiff,' says Peter, his eyes sweeping over my body. I don't like the look on his face. I don't like how his eyes are glittering with lust. I don't like that he's lustful in the first place. 

'Didn't realize you were such a pervert,' I snap back, and immediately tighten my grip on the towel as Peter begins to move. His steps are slow - but he's still uncomfortably close to me. I could smell his expensive cologne - the scent is suffocating me. 

Everyone's looking at me. I glance around, desperate to find an exit. I could always run back the way I came in - but then I'd have to duck under Peter's arm and run very fast. There would still be a chance that I flash everyone. 

'Look at her,' says Molly, crossing her arms. She smirks at me. Or at least her best attempt at a smirk because her face looks downright horrific like that. 'She's so ashamed.' I bite down on hard on my lip so as to prevent myself from screaming out the retort which springs to my lips. 

'Oh, I don't know,' says Drew. 'She could be hiding something pretty under that towel.' My blood runs cold. 'Why don't we look and see?' 


I duck under Peter's arm and make a beeline for the door - but I'm not fast enough. Someone has grabbed the towel. Molly grabbed the towel. A towel which now lays in a pile by my feet. 

Everyone stares at me. It's embarrassing - humiliating. I have never felt more ashamed in life than I did in that second. I raise my eyes slowly - looking at Peter, who is probably loving my humiliation. He's staring at me too - and if his gaze hadn't been lustful before, it certainly is now. 

For a second, he simply stares at me and then the entire mood shifts, as he bends down and picks up the towel from the ground, throwing it to me. The action surprises not only me, but his friends too, who have all resorted to staring at him instead, shock apparent on their face. 

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