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Antonio Santino, my best friends big brother. Antonio and I never got along and I don't intend to, for a very long time. Antonio is how you would describe idiot, stupid, annoying, ego, dangerous, risky, and maybe just a little bit handsome. Only because his sister and him have a few same features, but of course she's better she's a little saint with the hint of devil in those green eyes of hers.

Today was the Annual Meadows event, it's when Andre Meadows, Bellamy meadows father throws an event for big business people to discuss business, form alliances, make new partners over champagne and dinner. And every year my friends and I got dragged to them, I didn't mind that much considering my friends were going to be there including my handsome boyfriend Nick. He was a year above me and I always wondered why he found interest in me, my friends say it's because of my indescribable beauty, but as Antonio would say "he's probably on drugs" but I like to think Antonio is just jealous.

The girls and I all went to Danika's to get ready, it's tradition to get ready together. Some would like to say it corny but we like to think there just jealous. Gabriella's was wearing a beautiful two piece skirt with a top cut open, Athena was wearing a sage green two piece, Danika was wearing a purple dress to show off her curves, and I was wearing a black dress with a bikini top to cover most of my cleavage. We took Athena's G-class Mercedes, her mum and stepdad got it for her as a "surprise we're married" gift.

It was a ten minute drive to arrive to the Meadows Mansion, also Athena's home

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It was a ten minute drive to arrive to the Meadows Mansion, also Athena's home. As we walked in we got greeted by security. All our parents were at one table, as was Bellamy, Damian, Malakai, and Antonio. "Oh my goodness, you girls look absolutely stunning, I bet you girls have all the boys at there feet for you" Gabriella's mum welcomed. I could've sworn I heard the boys growling, I can't wait to tell Danika I saw Malakai eye fucking her in that dress. "Check it out Antonio's drooling for miss Valentina" Bellamy laughed, "attaboy Antonio lift that jaw off the ground" Damian said. Yeah right Antonio would never in a hundred years even find me the slightest bit attractive, maybe... "all your jaws will be hitting the ground soon if you don't shut the fuck up" Antonio put Bellamy in a head lock. "Boys, behave" Athena's mum warned.

I was talking to the girls, and all of a sudden I felt hands grip me from the waist and pick me up, I was ready to elbow this perv in the torso. "Hey baby did you miss me?" Nick smiled, "not funny Nick I thought I was about to get abducted" I nudged his shoulder, "sorry princess, wow you look absolutely stunning in that dress, I can't wait to rip it off you" Nick whispered in my ear. My jaw dropped from shock, if anyone else had heard that especially my father he would go ballistic, on the side of eye Antonio was death glaring us trying to wonder what he had just whispered in my ear. "Stop it Nick we're at an event, be professional" I whispered back.

"May I have this dance my lady" Nick got down on one knee "yes you may" I giggled. Nick and I slow danced for about two songs until he had to take a call outside, he's been really discreet lately on his phone, maybe, wait no no no he wouldn't.


Nick Grant, I don't know what Valentina sees in him, he's a fucking imbecile. Valentina could do way better than him, way better. "I must say Daphne your daughter and Nick look so beautiful together, their kids would be so angelic" my mum said taking a sip of champagne. What the fuck, they look disgusting together, at least one of them. And no there kids would be horrendous to look at. "I personally think Valentina could do way better" I clenched my jaw. "Hmm seems to me like you have a crush on Valentina son" my father laughed. "No I don't, I just don't think he deserves someone like Valentina" I said. What the fuck was wrong with me what am I saying, Valentina Delca is the most obnoxious girl ever, she's annoying, she's loud, and she's my sisters bestfriend.

I saw Nick leave Valentina after two dances, so why not go make it her third and last dance. "Where did the boyfriend go" I said leaning on the table, "to make a call outside" she said not even making eye contact. "Valentina look at my eyes" I clenched my jaw, "what do you want Antonio" she demanded, "a dance" I whispered. "Not in a million years Antonio" she laughed, she thought I was joking, I just grabbed her wrist and pulled her on the dance floor. "Hey this is assault you know!" She hardened her voice, "shh, come closer and relax" I breathed on her neck, she obeyed me and I fucking liked that. I tightened my grip around her waist, I felt every single fucking curve on her body, god. "Antonio, why are you doing this did ur friends dare you" she questioned, "no I just felt like dancing" I said. I could smell the strawberry fruity scent coming from her blonde hair, I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, I felt her nipples hardening, and I knew exactly how I would fuck her.

"You know your sweet when you want to be Antonio" she spoke in a soft tone. "Not in bed, you'll soon find out" I smirked. Someone yanked her out of my arms "what fuck, why were you dancing with him are you fucking serious right now!" He raised her voice at Valentina, "you watch your fucking tone when you speak to her" I grabbed him by the collar. "Okay okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he begged, he's face turning red. "Antonio let him go!" Valentina raised her voice trying to push me. I let go she was fucking defending him, him. "I was fucking defending you be a little grateful" I clenched my jaw. "Yeah well I didn't ask you too , it's best if you just leave" she demanded, "you know what fine, just know you mean nothing to me your not special, your nobody" I said looking down on her.

I just walked out and left, the boys followed me. I fucking regret every word I just said to her, but it had to be said. "Yo man, just chill out let's just go to the club and find some chicks" Bellamy recommended. "Fuck her, let's go" I drifted off.


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