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I couldn't be there, at the ball. The whole time mothers kept asking Malik and I questioned about us, as if we were together. We're not, god it's so annoying, it's like our mothers have our whole lives planned out. I don't want Malik.

Everything was becoming overwhelming, I had to leave. "I'm going" I grunted grabbing my purse. I didn't know how I would leave. "Malakai, could you take me home please" I asked.

"Why?" He asked, "I can't be here I need to leave" I muttered. "Sure" he said grabbing his keys. We walked outside, you have got to be kidding me. "This is your ride?" I asked, I was not getting on his motorcycle. "Yeah, you can use my helmet" he said.

I honestly didn't care actually, I needed to leave. "Fine" I said, I lifted my dress up and jumped on behind him. "Hold on tight" he yelled.

I looked behind me to see Bellamy watching us drift off, why did he follow us. I held on tight, not letting go afraid of falling.

"Thanks for the ride" I said. "It's calm" he smiled. He left and I went inside my house. I ripped off these high heels, god the feeling stretching my feet. I threw on pants and a crop top.

I just laid on my bed, trying to fall asleep. But I couldn't, should I go to the bridge? Fuck it I'm going. I chucked on my runners left through the back. I brought a knife incase.

I wasn't trying to get killed tonight, it was dark and windy, I could hear trees blowing. Owls.

I got to bridge, where Bellamy showed me. It was a really nice place to be alone, to think.

I leaned against the rusty wood staring into the moving lake. Why, just why, I didn't ask for anyone of this. I feel like I'm not in control of my own life, like I'm in my body and point of view of the world, but big decisions are decided and controlled by others.

Has anyone ever asked if Malik and I wanted to be together, no. Our parents think we will follow them and get married have kids. I do want that, but by the person of my choice, someone who I'm crazy in love with, someone who makes me different, who makes my hair fly up, who bring me adventure. Who makes my heart feel like I'm on a roller coaster.

And the one guy who makes me feel that way, I can't have. It's forbidden, my mother and his father are married. Bellamy, god it makes me so angry, but it also makes me like the chase. The way it's forbidden, breaking rules doing things our way.

Not caring about anyone else, being together just us no one else. But it would never happen.

Arms wrapped around my mouth, "ahh!" I screamed into his arm, I bit him. "Fuck!" He growled, "Bellamy" I gasped. What was he doing here, did he follow me?


Where was she going with him? Why was she at the back of Kai's bike? Did she like him?

I jumped on bike and started to follow them, but I lost them. "Where did they go?" I growled. I pulled out my phone.

𝑀𝑒-𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠?

𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑖- 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒

Oh, he just dropped her off was she okay? But why didn't she just fucking ask me.

I drove home, looking around the house trying to find her, but the back door was open. Where would she have gone. Did she fucking sneak out?

I went outside, searching the woods. Maybe she was at the bridge. I put my hands in my pockets and walked into the bridge direction to find her standing, in her her pants, and a small crop top. She had a insane body, and she fucking owned it.

I decided to sneak behind her and scare her, I put my arm around her mouth, "ahh!" She screamed, it was fucking funny until she bit me, "fuck!" I growled. "Bellamy" she gasped. "Surprise" I smiled holding back the pain of her teeth.

"Why would you scare me?" She grunted, "because I felt like it" I said. "What a great reason" she smiled sarcastically. "What are you doing out here, you could get hurt" I said, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

"Well you told me you like to think here, and you weren't wrong it's nice" she smiled. I'm glad she used this spot, "you okay?" I asked. "I don't know" she frowned.

"Tell me" I said moving closer to her. "Don't you ever feel like we got our whole life planned out, like our parents think they can make big decisions that involve us" she sighed, yes all the fucking time but that didn't stop me.

"I know, but fuck them Athena it's your life you do what you want, making the worst decisions ever who give two fucks. It's your life" I said. Athena shouldn't be getting controlled, and I knew what this was about. Malik.

"Your right" she panted, "I just don't know how you guys do it" she chuckled. "Well we can teach you, it's almost time if you know" I smirked, it was coming and fuck were we excited.

"What" she shot out scared, "you shouldn't be scared, live like it's your last day on earth" I breathed. She just looked at me, I always liked when she watched me. I always wondered what was going through her head, what she thought when she looked at me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, "what do you mean" she whispered, "when you look at me, what do you think?" I asked. "I don't know, I feel like you put up a wall to protect your true self. Scared of what others would think, scared if you let people see the true you they would abandon you, like your mum. I don't mean it in a bad way, I think your scared. But you shouldn't be" she said slowly.

It was true, I put up a wall, scared I will get abandoned or people will leave me. But not with the guys, there the only ones I truly let know me. "How do you read me so well" I asked. "I guess watching you for years" she laughs.

"Wow, I got myself a stalker" I chuckled, "shut up" she slapped me. I grabbed her hand, and just kept it like that. I pulled her in, leaned her against the wood. "This is starting to become a habit" she giggled. "A never ending one"I chuckled kissing her neck.

I wasn't allowed to want her, have her, need her. But I didn't care, this was my rules. I cupped my hand around her breast squeezing the life out of them. She made small whimpers that fucking made want to explode all over her.

"You know, one day the mother will eventually get Malik and i together" she moaned as i sucked on her. "No, fuck everyone it's our rules" I panted, I know I'm saying all of this but at the end of the day it will be fucking impossible.


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