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Last night...

Last night went from the best night of my life, to the worst...

I tried everything to wash away the memories of last night. Showing, at least three times now, burning my clothes. Nothing worked.

They will all pay for what they did to me, every single one of them will pay for what they did to me.

Malik helped me, I guess. He saw me walking after... after what happened. And took me to his house.

I still had the phone. I was thinking of just leaving it in Bellamy's locker. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

I haven't told the girls anything. I don't think I can. Gabriella, oh my god, she's going to hate me. I can't, I can't stand to look at her, not after what happened. I've gotten messages and calls from the girls.

I can't bring myself to reply.

"You ready?" A soft delicate voice asked. I turned around, facing my mother. It was the debutante ball, and I wasn't up to it. But I was Malik's date, I had to. I owed him that. "Yeah" I barely whispered, I turned around, staring into the mirror of my white dress. It was simple, with a corset. My hair was in a braided bun, with my mothers tiara from when she won.

"Sweetie" my mother balled my hands in between hers. I stared into her watery eyes. All my life, all my mother could talk about was this night. How this night was supposed to be special. But all I felt was dirty.

This was supposed to be my night, but they took that away from me. "This is your night. This is yours and Malik's. Your future husband. One day, when your older, you and Malik will tell your kids about this night. How it was magical, the fireworks".

Husband? Kids? Magical? It was anything but that. She still doesn't understand, does she? No one ever will.

"Right" I forced a smile. She placed a kiss on my forehead.


I stood in the waiting room, with the other debs, waiting for my name to be called. I tried to stay hidden from the girls. I don't deserve them.

Disgusting, dirty, waste...

"Miss Petrova, escorted by Malik Crist" it's time. I began making my way towards the stairs. "Athena" my name loudly whispered. Gabriella. No, no, no.

I ignored her and kept walking. Seeing Malik down the stairs, looking at me. The light was shining on me. Eyes plastered all over me. Breath Athena, breath.

Before I knew it, my hand was in Malik's. I turned my head to my right. They were here, all four of them. After what they did to me, they all stood there, smiling, like they didn't ruin me.

"You okay?" Malik whispered, no, I wasn't, but instead, I nodded.

All the girls were with there dates. Gabriella, Valentina, and Danika were with them. Bellamy took Gabriella's cousin, Sofia. I could feel all there glares. But I denied them.

I went to the bathroom.


I turned around. No. Gabriella, Valentina and Danika all stood there. "What's wrong? You haven't returned any of our messages of calls. Your ignoring us. What happened?".

What happened? What happened? I couldn't hurt them, I couldn't. "I have to go" I tried to push pass. Buy Valentina grabbed me and held onto me tight on my wrist.

No, don't touch me like that. The memories of last night all came back to me. "Stop, please" I stared into her eyes, my breathed locked in place. "What's wrong?" Danika came to me.

I shook my head. "I can't" I chest was uncontrollable.

I picked myself up and ran out of the bathrooms. The girls chased after me.

They were making this too hard. I immediately stopped running. Peering over at the screen. What?

I turned around, at Gabriella. What the fuck.

Her and Damian's pictures, naked. How did this happen. I didn't do this. "You fucking bitch!" Antonio lunged at Damian.

They landed on the table, vigorously attacking each other. But punches came from every where else. On the screen showed, Damian, Malakai, and Antonio bashing the Mayor. "What" I turned around, Danika stood in tears.

We all ran to break up Damian and Antonio. Gabriella managed to get in between. But she immediately landed on the floor. One of them punched her. "Holy shit, are you okay?".

"What the fuck did you do?" Bellamy yelled at me, holding my shoulders. What? "What the fuck have you done? you stupid slut!" His eyes were filled with anger and pain. His hands were digging into my shoulders.

"Your hurting me" I whispered. "You fucked him! Why would you do that Gabriella?" Antonio screamed at Gabriella's face. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Valentina slapped Antonio's face. Gasps we're going off everywhere.

"You guys, you guys are monsters" Danika stood there eyeing all of them. You could hear were grinding her teeth. "Danika, listen to me" Malakai walked to her. "No, don't touch me" she cried out.

Sirens were blasted outside. "Wait, no" Valentina held on Antonio and police came in, armed. "Stop" she ordered them. One of the police grabbed Valentina and pushed her on the ground. Antonio hooked the police in the face.

The guys tried to fight off the police.

Gabriella was on the ground, her mother holding her, her father screaming at her. Valentina was trying to help Antonio. Danika, Danika was gone. Where did she go? No, fuck.

The police held all three of them. All except one, Bellamy. "You will fucking pay for this Athena!" Damian screamed at me.

I didn't do this.

They were taken.

Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this. Pay for this.

All eyes were on me. Gabriella and Valentina.

Pain, anger, confusion.

I didn't do this!



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