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"Hey how about we get out of here" he asked, I looked up at him in shock, why was he being nice to me? "Really?" I asked, "yeah let's go" he grabbed hand, and we ran.

"Hop on" he said putting his helmet on. I was scared I'd never rode a motorcycle before. He grabbed me and placed me on his motorcycle. "It's okay just hold on to me okay" he said.

"Ready, don't let me go" he screamed over the engine growling. "I'm ready" I breathed. He took his feet off the ground and drove into the wind. Everytime we tilted I thought we were gonna fly off. I tightened grip on him as he turned. Why were we going home?

"Why are we home?" I asked. "Just follow me" he said. We walked into the forest behind our house, it was dark and foggy. It was almost winter.

"Where are we going?" I said out of breath. "Somewhere my mum used to take me" he said. I don't really remember his mum a lot, I just know she abandoned him at a young age. That could possibly be why he is the way he is.

In the distance I heard the sounds of water rushing. As we got closer I saw a bridge and under was a lake. "Is this the place" I asked admiring everything. "Yeah he sighed.

He led me onto the bridge, it was very old, there was mold. But still beautiful. "It's nice isn't it?" He asked. "It's beautiful" I panted. I took in the fresh air, the fresh smell of the water and wet trees.

"I like to come here to think" he whispered. "About your mum?" I asked. I didn't like bringing up his mum, but it felt right. "No, she abandoned me" he spoke. "Well, she doesn't know what kind of son she's missing out on. I think your pretty amazing" I looked at him. His gaze was stuck on me, he let out a small smile.

"You have way of making everything sound so true" he commented. "Well it is true, I know you put on a tough act. But I know you" I uttered. "You know me?" He questioned. "I like to observe you" I stuttered. He's going to think I'm a stalker now, stupid Athena.

"Then tell me" he demanded. "When your bothered or going through something, you drink away your problems. When your sad you leave for a few hours, which I suppose you come here. You like cheeseburger, but with no cheese, you like to flirt with me" I whispered.

He looked at me in way I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He came closer to me, locking our eyes. "Well I like to observe you too" he said. He does, what does he see in me.

"I know you hate when Mr Hove gets to close to you, I know you like dipping your strawberries in chocolate, i know you only use strawberry scented body and hair wash,I know when your sad you write in that journal of yours, under your bed" he smirked. No my journal, I've rotten about him in there. "And I know you like to write about me. A lot" he came closer. Our face only inches apart.

"You read my journal?" I breathed. He nodded, I feel so embarrassed right now. I just want to go home and scream into my pillow and shove my mouth with strawberries dipped in chocolate.

"It's okay, I like when you write about me. Don't stop" he said. He likes what I write about him?

"You can use this spot when you need to think" he offered. "Thanks, this spot will our little secret" I smiled.


Why would he that? Why would he do that to them? Why? The blood everywhere. They may have been cruel to me. But why would Damian do that. I couldn't be near Damian I ran to my room to hide, and cry.

Knock knock. "Who's there?" I whimpered. The door slammed open, "Damian" I gasped. He came closer to me, every step he took forward, I took back. He lifted up his hands I couldn't help but flinch.

"Why would you flinch, I wouldn't hurt you" he panted. I took another step back until I was up against the wall. "Are you scared of me?" He asked. I've always been scared of Damian, but now was different.

"Yes" I muttered under my breath, I felt bad but it was true he did scare me. "Gabriella you could of drowned, I had to" he growled. It was true but he didn't need to hurt that boy. "Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean" he question. "Why did you help me?" I asked again. "Why not just let them drown me?" I asked. "What if they were just joking" I said "what if they were gonna help me once they realised I couldn't swim" I said louder this time.

"Gabriella" he panted, "why!" I slapped his chest. I kept slapping and slapping but he wouldn't move. He was stronger than me.

He pulled me in and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it, when I saw what was happening, when I think of what could've happened to you it killed me, it made me crazy" he whispered.

I wasn't scared of him anymore, I felt safe now. I was in Damian Keres the iii arms, The damian, the one who just said it killed him made him crazy thinking about if something bad happened to me, Gabriella?

"I'm sorry for hitting you" I apologised "and thank you for helping me" I thanked. "Your welcome, that hit didn't hurt, it felt like a newborn babies hit" he chucked. Rude.

"Hey!" I slapped him. Obviously it wouldn't hurt him I mean look at him, his biceps, his legs, his shoulders, collarbone, abs.

"I'll teach you" he said "teach me what?" I asked. "To fight" he breathed. "Actually?" I questioned. "Yeah, tomorrow my house at 7 am sharp" he demanded. "Okay, 7 am sharp" I smiled.

I love Damian Keres iii.


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