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That day made me see the world different, it made me understand why Bellamy does what he does, the fear, excitement, the wonder if they would get caught. I felt it, I experienced it, and I wanted to feel it again, I wanted my heart to race the way it did.

It scares me to imagine I would never get to experience it again, I wish to experience it again.

Bellamy was the only one who gave me that opportunity...

"Athena?" A delicate voice shot out. I veered my head to the right, "hmm?"

"You gonna eat, or keep playing with your food?" My mother asked, great I got lost in my thoughts again.

"Sorry" I apologised, shoving the steak down my mouth. "What will you wear tonight?" My step dad asked.

My parents wanted to take Bellamy and I to the newly found Water fountain. But I really couldn't be fucked.

As I was about to speak, 4 basketballs smashed on the marble floor. "Right, I'm not coming" Bellamy walked towards us, following behind Damian, Malakai, and Antonio.

"Son, we set this date for a reason" my step dad roughly placing his knife on the table. "Change of plans" I don't know why Bellamy liked to get on his fathers nerves.

"Sweetie, it's okay, you can go" my mother gave a soft smile to Bellamy. She was way more strict with me than him.

"Wait, I'm staying home too then" if he doesn't have to go, I'm not either.

"Ath-" my mother got cut off by Bellamy. "I'll babysit her" baby sit me? Right.

"First, I don't need a baby sitter. Second, yes I will stay home" I said in a demanding tone. "Well... date night?" My mother stared in my step fathers direction.

"Yes, yes, and yes" he kissed her on the lips, I was happy for my mother, she deserved to be treated like a princess. She's gone through so much agony, toxicity, I only want what makes her happy, and that's him.

I turned to Bellamy, he had this smirk on his face. His eyes were full of mysterious, danger, havoc, somewhat pure evil.

"Okay well, you go up" my mother ordered, i placed my knife and fork down, excusing myself. I made my way past Bellamy and his friends, I felt a burning stare on me the whole time.

Alone with them in a house was dangerous, it was a pure crime...


I sat on my bed, reading my favourite book 'Severed by Vengeance', I had a kink for dark romance.

I laid on my stomach, with my ass in the air, wearing nothing but pink mini shorts, and a sports bra. My parents had gone now, and surprisingly the house was quiet, they probably went to party or cause havoc.

The room suddenly became loud, but quiet, like I wasn't alone in my room. When I sensed something scary I would jump up in fear, it's like when your feet are off the bed you feel like something will grab your feet.

Oh god...

The feeling was somewhat addicting, it gave me a feeling, the feeling was Devine.

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