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All that's been on my mind is school, school, school, and school. My father has put this weight on me as if schools the only thing that should matter, but it's hard to, when all I can think of his him.

My life is sad, abusive, torturing, lonely, but when I think of Malakai it's different, it's all I need it's happy, merry, he makes me feel like I'm walking on air, like I'm at the top of the world.

I want him, I need him, but what if when I finally let him in he leaves, he's afraid of my life. I care about him too much, he doesn't deserve to see my world. We're complete opposites, he's a heaven sent, euphoric, rapturous. While I'm miserable, woeful,  and joyless.

I have to let him go, stop thinking about him, stop thinking about him, stop, stop, stop. "Danika!" A voice screamed, my dad. "Yes?" I breathed, my heart beat racing for miles. "Have you finished your homework?" He asked, in a cold, black voice. "Yes" I said, I kind of finished, but it's not like he would find out.

He nodded his head, leaving the room. I could finally breath, when he was near I felt like I was constantly walking on an edge of a cliff. There was one place where I felt free, thoughtless, like it was me in this world alone with my thoughts.

Dad was not going to bother me until tomorrow, I finished my homework. So I could leave, I threw on leggings and a long sleeve shirt, and sneakers. I opened my window bringing my right foot out, holding my left hand on the window for support.

After I was out of my room, I jumped off my roof, it didn't hurt. Been doing it for years, I'm use to it.

After walking into town, I made my way to the closed off alleyway. This alleyway was closed off for many reasons, but most believable is no one ever went to the shops here, they made no money so they had to shut down.

I finally made it, the ice rink. While I've been playing soccer all my life, ice skating was always my secret I did. I've been coming here since my mother died, she owned this place. She was a figure skater, she was the one who taught me everything. This place was my way of still being connected to her, it was our secret.

The ice rink was our place, my place, her place. I came here to feel close to her, dance with her, scream my thoughts my pain, everything.

When I danced it was like she was right there next to me, feeling the tingling of her next to me, her breath, laughter, smile, her smile could make everyone smile. She still held out a smile for everyone, whilst she was going through fucking hell, as am I.

But I'll survive, school almost finished, almost finished then I'll leave SpikeBay and never come back, I will never relive these haunted years of my life.

I dance my heart out, pirouettes, until I hear something behind me, like I wasn't by myself on the ice. It was dark I couldn't see anything, only one thing came to my head, "mum?" I whimpered, was she here? With me.

"No" a dark, gloomy voice said high up from behind me. I turned my body around, tilting my head up to see the tall black figure, towering over me.


"Malakai" I gasped, why was he here? Did he follow me? Did he watch me? For how long? Every thought you could possibly think of running through my head.

"Did you follow me?" I asked, in dryly tone gulping my saliva. "No, why are you here?" He asked in a dark tone, was he mad? "My mum" I whimpered, holding back everything. He gave me look of uncertainty.

"This was my mums place, before she umm, she died" I muttered, "my sister went here" he daintily said, Mikayla Crist, Spikebays superstar, every girl looked up to her. She was a dream, the way she danced, it soothed you, relaxed you, she was the black swan. She was empowering.

Unfortunately, the day she passed was a travesty for the whole town. Every year since her death everyone threw lamps up into the sky, whilst Malakai and his boys when to her grave and partied in honour of her. It was almost time for her death anniversary.

"I'm sorry" I said calm voice, "I'd never actually said sorry to you about her, tell me about her" I asked.


Tell her about her? "She was angelic, she knew how to make you laugh, she was brace, courages. She was my idol, I looked up to her. She was gone too soon, she had these weird combinations of food" I chuckled, I didn't get mad when I thought about Mikayla, I laugh she was amazing. "On my birthday every year she would wake me up with cake on my face, on April fools she was the biggest prankster, she never grew out of it" I said, Danikas eyes were softening listening to me talk.

"Every Saturday she would force the whole family to have a movie marathon of Harry Potter, and she always the first to fall asleep" I chuckled, remembering all the memories.

"She was my big sister" I smiled, I miss her.

"Your sister was amazing, when I look at you I see her in your eyes" she smiled, her eyes stuck on mine. "Thank you" I had to say it.

Her soft smile, her perfect dimples, darkest blue eyes, you get lost in them. "Debutant ball huh" I said, I wanted to ask her I really did. "Yeah, I have to go. Tradition" she sighed. "Got a date?" I asked.

"No" she breathed, "now you do" I smirked, her eyes turned big and round. "What?" She said, her confusion never failed to make me laugh, she looked so beautiful when she had no clue.

"I'll be your date, I'll pick you up" I smiled, I walked off the ice, "Malakai!" She screamed in anger, I let out a big laugh.

Debutant ball.


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