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Who the fuck did he think he was, kissing me. He just thinks any girl that breathes the same air as him wants him. Which is very incorrect, I do not want Antonio Santino and I never will.

I slept by myself last night, I have no idea where Gabriella, athena, and Danika are. But I was glad I slept by myself I needed to think and process that whole kiss.

Don't get me wrong the kiss was good, but I have a boyfriend. Although that time at the holiday house in the pool, which i definitely feel guilty about. But still Antonio shouldn't have done that, he broke our deal straight away. Not even five minutes he could last.

"Thinking about me" I jumped up, great Antonio. "No eww, and get out I could've been naked!" I screamed throwing my pillow at him. He dodged it, "guess what" he said. "What?" I asked. "Just found your friend Danika shirtless in bed cuddling with Malakai" he smirked.

Danika has a lot of explaining to do, why the fuck was she shirtless? "What! Is she okay!" I said worried. "Yeah she had a little jump when I walked in" he chuckled. "I'm going to her" I tried to walk out of the door.

But he stopped me, he pressed me up against the wall. I whimpered at the pain. "What are you doing" I breathed. "Did you like the kiss?" He whispered, yea I did but it wasn't something I was going to admit. His ego is already high enough.

"No" I lifted my chin trying to seem taller. "Really" he said. "You could use practice" I whispered. "Mhm, who will help me practice then?" He smirked put a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Me, I mean my hot boyfriend did teach me" I said, he hates when I talk about my boyfriend.

He wrapped his hand around my neck, hard but not hard to the point I couldn't breath. "Let g-" I said before he spoke over me. "Shh, maybe if I give you a second kiss you will definitely change your mind" he whispered, I could feel his hot breath on my neck, tingling me.

"Not possible" I said. I did want that second kiss, I wanted to taste him again, wait no what am I saying this Antonio Santino I grew up with him. "Come here" he pulled my chin, our noses touching, staring at each others lips, hungry for eachother.

I went in for it, I couldn't help it anymore just one more kiss. Then he pulled away removing his hand from my neck. "When you want that kiss, you'll get on your knees and beg me" he said walking out. "Jerk!" I yelled, I hate him.

Get on my knees? And beg? Not in a million years, I will not be another one of his hoes. Who he fucks then leaves, who makes them fall in love then leaves. Not tomorrow not ever!


"Well we'll what do we have here" a voice said, I don't remember much from last night beside. Oh no. "Hey Danika" Antonio smirked. I had no shirt on I jumped up and grabbed the first shirt I saw on the ground. "Get out Antonio!" I screamed.

"Morning" Malakai yawned. "I see you enjoyed yourself" Antonio said to Malakai. He just chuckled, chuckled? Are you serious. I gave him a dirty look. "Get him out, now" I demanded. "You heard the lady, out" he commanded Antonio. He lifted his hand up backing out of the room.

"I'm gonna go now" I said awkwardly, I took slow steps out of the room. "Bye Danika" he smirked. I cannot believe I did that last night, me?

I charged my way to Gabriella's room to find all the girls there already laying on the bed. "Ahh" I moaned. "Hey" they all said.

We all started talking and it led to.
"Damian said that to you Gabriella!"

"My brother kissed you!"

"You snuck out with Bellamy!"

"You slept in the same bed as Malakai!"

"Yeah he was really sweet to me, I just would've never expected Damian to care for me like that" Gabriella smiled. "Your brother just grabbed me and kissed me! After we made a deal" I grunted. "Yeah, he opened up to me. I love him" Athena moaned. "Well when he saw what my dad did to me, he became really overprotective. And we ended up cuddling which ended up with us both finishing" she muttered.

"Well last night was crazy for all of us" I breathed. "Yeah guys" Gabriella stuttered. "So you guys can stay here if you want but I'm meeting up with Damian in a hour to go to his house" she said, his house why? "Why" Valentina gave a confused look. "He's going to teach me to fight" she smiled.

Gabriel and I could not fight, Athena and Valentina could. "Valentina we're gonna have to watch out, mrs Gabi over here might hurt us badly" Athena said sarcastically. "Shut up" Gabi laughed.

"Hey I'm gonna go get something from the kitchen I'm hungry" I groaned, my stomach was grumbling like crazy.

Gabi's house was huge, there was a lot of stairs. But I finally made it too the kitchen. I opened her fridge pulling out pancake mixture. "Ahhh!" I screamed, Antonio came from behind the fridge when I closed it.

"My ears oww" he sighed. "Well maybe you shouldn't have snuck up on me" I growled. "I didn't" he defended. Yes he did but whatever.

"Make me some" he ordered. "Whats the magic word?" I asked, I always made Antonio say the magic word when he wanted something from me. "Please" he smiled. "Chocolate chip" I said. "Wow you really do know me" he said amazed. Of course I did we grew up together.

"So, you and Malakai?" He asked, "there's nothing" I said. "So you being shirtless in bed with him is nothing" he confirmed. Okay maybe me being shirtless wasn't nothing. But it really wasn't any of Antonio's business.

"Don't hurt him" he said, "what do you mean?" I asked. "Danika, you knows he's been in love with you since we were 13, and you've done nothing but reject him" he said. I rejected him because he doesn't deserve to see my life, I care about him. "Listen, I just can't okay" I growled.

"Your dad" he said. Antonio knew about my dad. One day my dad got really rough with me and Gabriella wasn't home, but her brother was. And he helped me.

I nodded, I turned around to put the stuff back into the fridge. "And I'm guessing your dad did that" he said staring at my back. "Oh you know, dad found out about me and my little argument with the coach" I sighed putting up a fake smile.

"Danika, you know two words and I can get rid of your dad, and Malakai would be glad to get rid of him" he said. "No, Malakai can never know" I said. I'm scared Malakai would do something that would ruin his life forever. "I know, I won't tell him. That for you to tell" he said.

"Here's your pancakes" I gave his pancakes. "Thanks princess" he winked. Princess has been his nickname for me since forever, because I'm the mayors daughter.


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