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All I could think about these past two days is Antonio, I've tried everything. I still can't get over the fact I lost my virginity to him, not in a million years would I have thought it would be Antonio.

And I haven't even told Gabi, nika, or athena yet. My parents were going away for awhile, they asked me if I want to come, but I had exams coming up I couldn't afford losing all that time.

So I asked Gabriella if I could stay at her and she said yes, so I'm heading over to hers.

"Sweetie are you sure you don't want to come?" My mother asked again for the hundredth time. "Yes mum I'm sure" I sighed. Then I heard two beeps, "okay mum bye I love you" I kissed her. "Love you don't forget to call and text" she said.

You have got to be kidding me, "where is Gabriella" I asked. "She's busy, so I offered to come" Antonio smiled. "Do not speak to me" I growled jumping into the car.

We were driving, we hadn't spoken a word. It felt so awkward, I was fidgeting with my shorts the whole ride. "Can you stop that" he said looking down at my shorts. "No" I grunted tilting my chin up.

We got to the house, I tried to grab my luggage but Antonio pulled it out for me. "I am capable of holding my own stuff" I said. "I think the proper thing to say is thank you" he said in a sarcastic smile, whatever.

"Why are you taking my stuff into your room?" I asked. "Because" he said. No way in hell am I sharing a bed with him. "No, no we are sleeping in the same bed" I crossed my arms. "Calm down, I'm staying in the guest room"

"Oh" I said. "But by all means if you want I can sleep in this bed with you" he smirked. "Get out!" I screamed.
I will actually kill him one day.

I was so exhausted, I needed to sleep. I jumped on his bed, wow this is comfy. I closes my eyes and felt my body dozing off.

I yawned, stretching my body fuck that was a good sleep. I heard footsteps I turned my head, "what the fuck!" I screamed. It was Antonio fully naked, "I needed to shower" he grunted. "There's other bathrooms, I was sleeping" I growled.

"Yeah I know, you look pretty when you sleep" he let out a small smile. He thinks I look pretty when I sleep, he turned around to face me. Oh. My. God. "Your umm" I cleared my throat, wow.

"What?" He asked. "Your" I cleared my throat again, "hard" I whispered. Was it hard to me? "Don't worry it wasn't for you, I have a girl coming over" he smiled putting boxers on.

"Should I get out?" I asked getting up. "No, I'll use the guest room, I don't let girls in my bed" he said, but he let me in his bed.

"Right, so who's the girl?" I asked, why the fuck was he bringing a girl over, I'm here it's weird. But at the same time I was hurt, he took something from me something I cherished and now he's going with some other chick.

I didn't wait for him to answer, I ran out I had to leave. I needed to cry, "Valentina!" He screamed from down the hallway, I didn't stop I kept running.

I ran out of the house, and kept running I didn't stop not once. It was raining there was lightning, my mind was so blurred I hadn't realised where I was running until I ended up at the abandoned chapel.

It was creepy from the outside, but I walked inside, dust, rust, mold, and cobwebs everywhere. I started exploring the place. It was huge, it felt safe here.

I walked into room, there was a bed. This use to be a school, but not a lot of people came so over time it grew old there was no one here to clean up the place or take care of it, which was sad. It had a hidden beauty to it.

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