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Seriously who did he think he was, dancing with Mia right in-front of me. I knew what he was doing, and he knew too. But I'm not gonna show I care, I will not.

"So" Jackson said. "Hmm" I asked. "Listen, we all know your not interested me, and I'm
Not either" he said. "Your not?" I said in shock. "I'm interested in another girl, and you are as well" he laughed. "I'm not" I defended.

"Sure, but I have a proposal" he said, what did he mean. "Continue" I demanded. "We both clearly want to make someone jealous, so I think we should fake date" he said. It wasn't a bad idea.

"Okay, but it needs to seem real" I whispered. "We have to kiss, hug, walk around the hallways holding hands" he muttered quietly. "Deal" I whispered.

This was a good idea, but to make it real I needed to to do something, "play along" I whispered pulling his face in kissing him, I had to in-love. And he played the part really well.

Everyone's eyes were on us, Antonio stopped dancing and just had his stare stuck on us, i flipped him off, I could hear his growl.

We went back to our seats holding hands, Antonio decided to follow us. "He seems jealous" Jackson giggled in my ear, Antonio thought he was saying something else. "I know, now tell me who's the girl. Is she here?" I asked. "Yes, Mia" MIA. What. The . Fuck. "Your joking" I laughed. "No" he squinted his eyes.

Shit taste but who am I to judge. "Okay, well is she watching us" I whispered. "I think" he responded.

"I need to use the bathroom" I said getting up. This place was huge, many hallways. After 10 minutes of looking I found it. I needed to be alone for a bit to think about everything, and touch up my makeup.

Until the door opened, Antonio was in the girl's restroom, "what the hell, get out perv" I yelled. "You think your funny?" He growled. "I don't know what your talking about" I played dumb, I knew exactly what he meant.

"Don't play fucking dumb with me" he growled. I stood my ground and didn't move. "What so you guys a fucking thing now, you know that little stunt at school was funny. But this well this makes me really really mad Val" he said in a dark tone I'd never heard before.

"It's not a stunt, I like Jackson and he likes me. And we are together" I said. "But god, I think I might just leave now and take him somewhere, somewhere quiet where we can be all alone" I said stepping closer. "Where he's going to have all of me, taste me, fuck me till I forget who you are" I moaned in his ear. "And god do I want to taste him, fuck it makes me so wet thinking about what he could do to me" I whispered in his ear moaning.

"And while I'm getting fucked to death, your gonna be fucking little mias loose pussy" I growled. "Watch me" I started to walk away but he grabbed me, lifted me up placed me on the counter.

"This is what Jackson will do to me, fuck me on this counter, Rip this dress of me, see every inch of my body" I breathed. "I'm going fuck you like a fucking slut, shut your fucking mouth witch" he growled, I felt him hardening.

"Maybe, but you will never make me feel as good as Jackson. Never." I laughed. "Is that so, should we do a recap back to the bathroom" he chuckled. "Maybe" I moaned. "And while your doing that little soft recap I'll be imagining it's Jackson" I said.

He put his big veiny hands around my neck, I started rising my fingers up my dress up to my clit, "oh fuck Jackson" I moaned his name fingering myself. "Fuck!" I moaned louder.

"Stop" he demanded watching me please myself to another guy. "Ahh!" I moaned, "that's it!" He growled unbuckling his pants and belt.

He ripped off my undies, still holding my neck, "I'll make you cum like no guy could" he growled, thrusting his dick into me all the way, "ahh fuck!" I moaned, my eyes rolling all the way back.

"Oh fuck Jackson" I moaned. He thrusted harder. "Say my fucking name" he growled. "Jackson" I moaned. "My name!" He yelled.

"Jackson" I moaned again. He thrusted harder so fucking hard. Fuck he made me feel so good, euphoria. "Faster" I breathed still getting choked. He sped his speed up and pushed into me hard. "Ahh!" I moaned so close to finishing.

Someone walked in, "get out!" Antonio screamed. "Oh my" the lady sighed leaving immediately I didn't care who saw. "Fuck, I'm gonna finish!" I panted.

"Fuck" he moaned. I felt a tingle rushing down, "ahh!" I moaned. I exploded all over him. "Don't stop!" He ordered.

"Agh!" He grunted. Then he stopped feeling my insides fill up. Then he looked at me, "fuck" he breathed, I knew what he scared about. "I'm on the pill" I calmed.

He let out a big breath of relief, I got up put my dress down. "Thanks Jackson" I smiled walking out.

"Took you long, you okay?" Jackson asked, I nodded.

"Gabriella dear you need to dance with someone" Her mother said. "Mum I'm fine really" she said, Gabriella has sat down the whole time as did Damian.

"How about she dances with my son" Damian's mother recommended. "What" Damian breathed.


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