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"Didn't get the invite" a family, husky voice came from behind. I looked to Christian, his eyes were off me now, now smirking, happy, excited, and not the hood kind.

"Shit" Athena muttered, I turned around, Damian, Bellamy, Malakai, and my fucking brother. No, no, I'm dreaming, right? Yeah, I'm dreaming. No, no I'm not.

Damian's eyes were red, they were piercing at Christian, his eyes turned to me, his expression hadn't changed, he looked angry, yet hurt.

"What do you think your doing?" Valentina yelled with sas in her tone. "Christian Lorencio" Antonio took his time saying, "why are you guys here?" I was supposed to have fun tonight, and I didn't want to see Damian, the way he was staring at Sofia, ugh.

"Get your purse, and come here" Damian demanded, a threatening tone in his voice. "No" no? I said no to him, he cocked his head in disbelief, yeah, you heard me. No.

"You come here" Malakai shot off, grabbing Danika's bicep. He dragged her to them, holding her hand in his. Aww, cute, wrong timing Gabriella.

"Get your ass over here, right now" Damian's fist balled up, turning white. Only way I was getting out was if I wanted. "I think she can choose for herself" Christian spoke, exactly, I can.

"You, shut the fuck up. Gabriella" he yelled at Christian, Christian came to my ear, whispering, "your, your own person. You make decisions, your a powerful woman. He's not in charge of you, no one is" his whisper sending shivers down my spine, but he was right, I was sick of letting people tell me what to do.

"No" this time i spoke loud and clear. "Christian will take me home" I glared my eyes back and forth and Damian and Antonio. Damian was going to ducking explode, his veins were popping out of everywhere.

"Valentina, Athena come here" Bellamy ordered, Athena took her time walking towards him, while Valentina started whimpering, slamming one heel on the floor. "Dick heads"

"I'll take her home, untouched, and safe" Christian assured, I trusted him. He made me feel strong, powerful. Like I didn't have to say no, but for some reason, I liked when Damian controlled me.

Damian was basically shaking, he was mad or hurt. I couldn't tell, but he would get over it. "No later than 12" Antonio pointed his finger and Christian, I did not expect that.

"What?" Damian immediately veered his head to Antonio. "What? He'll take care of her, I wouldn't mind them being together" Antonio looked like he immediately regretted that, but Damian he turned to me, I could see the tears in his eyes.

I'm sorry.

"If she gets to stay can I? I mean her alone with 4 guys, who will protect her?" Oh god Valentina, she changed when she's drunk. "I will" Christian held my hand, looking down on me, I gave him a smile. But I turned my attention back on Damian, his eyes were pierced on our hands.

Am I going to regret this in the morning?

"I don't feel too good" Sofia smiled, I completely forgot about her. Damian matched up to her, picking her up in his arms. "Your strong" she whispered, but loud do enough for me too hear. "Yeah?" He smiled.

I felt my eyes bawling, stinging, he likes her, doesn't he? "You guys can go now" my voice cracked mid way through.

I grabbed Christian's hand pulling him onto the couch, I say my hand on his lap, close to his groin. I could feel his breathing, hitting my back.

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