Part 21

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"WHAT?" Yn shouted through the phone. 

"Yah, you are going to make me deaf." Vincent said. "Bitch, why didn't you say that to me. I was writing in front of him and God knows what I spouted to him. God! I am going to kill you Vincent. You didn't even give me a photo of him." Yn continued to ramble all types of slang at him. "But he said a different name." Yn questioned looking at the moon. "That's his real name. Derek is his mafia name and nobody dares to call him by any other name." Vincent said as he inhaled the last part of the cigarette. "You asshole, you are of zero use." Yn cut the call after scolding Vincent. "Really after everything I did! Well she is always like this." Vincent threw the cigarette and stepped on it.

Vincent was a delinquent. When he was young, he involved himself in a gang and from a member of the gang he gradually upgraded his position on his own. Later after years of struggles, fights and injuries, Vincent met Derek. Derek offered him to join his gang but hell if Vincent would agree so easily. Vincent aqsa died for a duel and if Derek won, he would join Derek's gang and vice versa. But after the fight ended, Vincent was on the ground beaten up from head to toe. He even had to spend a month in the hospital. Despite that he respected Derek. Derek was Vincent's role model. And a friend of Yn from an orphanage. But how were their fate connected?

Yn came to a worried Taehyung pacing back and forth. He was biting his lips. "Tae, what are you doing in the middle of the hallroom?" Yn was clueless about his tense mind. "Thank god you are back. I was so worried. You are one hour late, and you didn't pick up your phone." He complained. "Oh I had to stay out because I was giving a lesson to someone. I also fought with a guy today. It felt so good." Taehyung looked at her smile and was pleased by her reaction. His Yn was slowly becoming brave again. She was being herself. "Okay then let go and watch movie a movie with Areum." Yn pulled his hand and headed to the movie theatre.
"Sir, the lady,  Min Yn's information is in this file." Max kept the file on the table. "Anything important?" Derek asked, checking all the emails he received.  "Ms. Min is the same woman that Jungkook used the drug on. And... and there's a chance that your suspicion is true." Derek nodded. Max left from there. Derek took the file in his hand and opened the file. He went through the file repeatedly to see if what he thought was real. He knew it for the first time but repeated so that he wasn't mistaken. He just wanted to be sure over and over again and calm his heart.

 "Finally, I found you two."

Derek kept the paper on the table and immediately rushed to the basement where Jungkook was kept. At that time his head wasn't working. He repeatedly beat Jungkook just to calm his nerves. But his anger rose to his head. He was unable to control him. Vincent heard the noises from inside. He went inside and immediately tried to stop Derek. But Vincent wasn't strong enough to do that alone. Some men around heard the noise and rushed in to help Vincent. "Derek he will die, stop it!" Vincent screamed to the top of his laugh. "I don't care. I will kill him for hurting her. And Mr. Kim also had to suffer along with that slut." 

Derek went out of the basement with bloody knuckles. "Max, Vimcent, Ava, Sherly. The four of you, take as many men required. I was the chairman of Kim Corp. and the daughter of Mia Jewellery owner. They should be in the basement by tonight." Derek said with an authoritative voice. "Yes sir." The four of them went immediately back to their job. 
"Taehyung, it has been hours since your father went out for a walk but he still didn't return." Mrs. Kim spoke with a worried tone. "Don't worry eomma, I'll send someone to find him." Taehyung said. "No Taehyung, you will go and find him. I don't trust others and he is your father. You should be going." Taehyung looked at Yn who was playing with Areum. She nodded. "okay I will go." Taehyung wore a black tee. He went to Yn and kissed her forehead. "The three of you go to bed on time. I will be back with him." Taehyung walked out along with some employees and guards. 

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