Bullets and Banter

350 14 25

~ Y/N Pov ~

For a few days, I have no heists or missions to tend to. I throw away my bloody tunic and make my bed for the first time in a while. Sometimes I take the casino chip out of my pocket and run my thumb over its smooth surface. Barrel business is demanding and I would be a fool to say that I know all of the ins and outs of how it works, but I admit that I am impatient waiting for a new task. I need something to busy me throughout the day besides cleaning other people's rooms in the Den.

Roydan is in a good mood today, perhaps because this is the first time I haven't been doing something dangerous for a week and a half. He invites me to get waffles with him, his treat. How could I refuse such an offer? I love waffles. I don't trust anyone who thinks different. On West Stave, there is one waffle shop, open 24/7 like everything else in the Barrel, and is part of the only property that is not owned by any gang. It is neutral territory, and no street fights are allowed to occur within its bounds. That is just the power of waffles 🧇.

On the walk through the Barrel, the must and fumes don't seem to be as poignant as usual, even though the locals sit cramped in their alleyways and the humidity seeps into everything.

"Since when does the Barrel smell like roses?" I say out loud, not expecting an answer.

"Probably since it has become spring, when the plants bloom," Ro answers.

I would pay to see a tree in the Barrel. The closest we get to lush greenery here is the exotic plants brought into the themed pleasure houses.

After we take a seat at the waffle house and order our food, Ro clasps his hands over the table. I raise a brow. He has something to say, but I will not pry. The best way to get Ro to confess is to not say anything at all. Silence draws his words out.

"Have you ever considered becoming a guard at one of the gambling halls?" He asks.

My answer is immediate. "No."

"Why not? The Kaelish Prince could really use you. People keep slipping through the cracks there."

I think my answer through this time, putting it into words he will understand best. "The Saints did not create me to stand still and keep watch. I was made to take up space and move through it, especially the spaces that others do not dare to explore."

"The Saints also gifted you with a hawk's eye. You can spot people cheating easily, your eyes are keen to bluffs. Is that not how you caught the cheater at the Razergull casino?"

I shake my head. "The reason hawks can see so much is because they can also fly. Hawks are given wings. I do not wish to stand inside a building. I wish to scale every building in this city and learn everything about everyone."

He scoffs. "You can't climb a building."

"I can," I say with pride. "And I am getting faster at it. When is the last time you looked up while walking down West Stave?"

He stays silent for a moment. Still, even after surviving stab wounds and catching cheaters, I manage to surprise him. You don't look like much to begin with. I have turned that weakness into a strength. He doesn't want to accept the strength that both he and I have. Every conversation we have steers back into this direction, and will continue to do so, until he accepts what I do.

West Stave Story [Kaz Brekker X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now