Author's Note

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Hello lovely people!!

Thank you for being patient as I uploaded this fic! I started it three days after I graduated from high school and then I moved into college and now I'm currently making plans to leave this college LMAO so a lot of big changes have happened. The straight A gifted student to humanities whore pipeline goes hard. Anyways! Let's chat about this story and the future (if you care).

About the Author

My mom says I'm super cool 😎. Jkjk but I love reading fiction and writing poetry and stories. I am involved in theater and honestly need to go on vocal rest because I sing and yap too much.

Kaz and Wylan are my fave crows and the ones I relate to the most. Genya Safin has my heart. Crooked Kingdom is my favorite book in the whole Grishaverse franchise.

"Suffering is cheap as clay and twice as common" is one of my favorite quotes ever. Thank you Mrs. Bardugo for existing.

Where did this fic come from?

I was re-watching Peaky Blinders with my dad and got inspired from the first episode of the show. If you have watched it, you may have noticed similarities. That is what got me to make a decent sized plot outline and actually begin the fic. Before that, I had little moments mapped out that I wanted to include in a fic. One of the first scenes I had written down belongs to the Gamblers and Galas chapter when Roydan is told he has to kill Kaz without knowing that he is Y/N's lover hehe.

Favorite part to write?

I really liked Gamblers and Galas/Plans and Parlays. I love writing the oh shit moments when the readers realize something the characters do not. Also, writing Kaz / Y/N banter is always delightful because I love writing dialogue. Also the last chapters with all the different POVs presented a lovely challenge. The characters are only as smart as the writer and I had to come up with a plan that made somewhat sense while taking care of all obstacles.

What is next?

Although I love the Grishaverse and the Crows, I have no more ideas for fics involving them. I do not plan to write a sequel for this one like I did with The Red Ribbon (if you haven't read it, I highly recommend 😏😏😏). But I do have many other ideas that aren't fully developed but could be in the any of you like The Selection? The Vampire Diaries? Friends to lovers? Friends to enemies to lovers??

I started writing fan fiction before I even knew what it really was, so I have some stories from original COVID lockdown in 2020 that have been in the vault of my Google Docs, waiting to be told. Maybe I'll refine them and put them on here. Time will tell. But I need to get out of this college before I lose my mind and then maybe get some more motivation to write again!!

Final Thoughts

I realized I have been writing Grishaverse fan fiction on and off on this app for like 2.5 years and now that is over. It is time to move on to new characters, settings, and conflicts.

You readers are super cool and I love reading your comments (because I do look at every single one 👹). I hope my stories are ones that you want to reread all over again to experience once more.

Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, or questions here about this story or the future and I will be lurking hehe.

Byeee mwah 💋

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