Leverage and Lieutenants

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~ Y/N pov ~

I stand with Kaz at the clocktower door, ear to the cool metal, listening with baited breath at what could possibly come next. Not only do we have all of the gangs and deputies of Ketterdam on our ass, but now members of the Merchant Council? Everything is happening so fast. 

We hear the suite door open and I hope our compatriots have enough sense to know that Kaz and I would never knock and have hidden accordingly. 

"Father..." Wylan says, his voice muffled by the door but still loud enough to hear. 

"What is on your face?" Van Eck asks in disgust. I give Kaz a confused glance. Is it blood? Gunpowder? A Dreg's tattoo that suddenly appeared out of thin air?

"Oh..uh..it's mud. From the Southern Colonies. They have it in the spa down the hall."

Of course. Wylan and Jes went to the spa before Kaz and I left to deal with my brother. I need not be so worried about the newbie. If Kaz can trust him to join our crew in these dire times, then so can I. 

"Are you not going to invite me in? Where are your manners?"

"I tracked mud and water in from the spa. It would ruin your shoes. Best not to step in," Wylan says quickly, standing his ground in the doorway, keeping the conversation in earshot and keeping Van Eck out. 

"Smart little merchling," I whisper. 

"He's alright," Kaz retorts. 

I hear Van Eck click open a pocketwatch, then hastily close it back. "You wouldn't happen to be sharing this luxurious suite with anyone else, would you? Though I can imagine you would go to the spa all alone. You were always so shy and timid. A shame."

"How did you know I was here?"

"I was notified that someone with the Van Eck name checked into this nice hotel. And I know that I am not taking any trips to the spa any time soon. I'm too busy dealing with diplomats who are at my neck. Not that you can...see what truly matters here but Hellgate has become a laughingstock to the world because a pack of dirty felons have managed to breach security twice in the past few months."

"So I've heard," Wylan says with an honest air of distaste while Kaz and I smirk at each other. I wonder what Van Eck would say if he knew the Bastard of the Barrel and the Maiden of Hellgate were perched a few feet away from him. 

"Yes well, other countries are raising concerns about safety in Ketterdam, refusing to send their diplomats over if felons are running around. Now, I know you weren't the best at...schooling but you must at least remember that foreign relations are extremely important to Ketterdam, right?"

"I'm not dumb, of course I know that."

"Don't be smart with me, boy. That has never been a challenge for you before. My point is...you don't happen to have any felons from the barrel in this room with you, do you? Why come to the Geldrenner now of all places? Why not just leave the city?"


"You wouldn't lie to your poor, tired father now, would you?"

Kaz and I wait, my hand holds the door handle. If need be, we could take him out in a matter of seconds. But this is Wylan's father. Let's hope that won't be necessary. We aren't complete monsters. 

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