Hellgate and Hideouts

335 14 20

~ Y/N Pov ~

I am walking down West Stave. The street is eerily empty. The lanterns still burn as if expecting the usual crowds. There is a presence coming up behind me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"What business?" I say, not turning around.

I hear a gun click and feel a barrel press into the back of my head. Silence ensues.

"What business?" I repeat.

"Are you going to choose?"


The barrel nudges my head. This voice is something I can't pinpoint.

It continues. "Choose now."

"What are the options?"

Something shifts in the presence. I can almost feel their smile on my back. "Life or death. You know that."

I swallow, thinking. "Life is the obvious choice."

Now, the presence frowns. "Then why won't you act like it?"

I keep my eyes looking down West Stave. The street is still empty. It is just me here.

"I am sorry," I whisper, though I'm not sure to who. I am alone.

"Wrong answer," the presence says.

The next thing I hear is a bullet leaving the chamber.

I jerk awake in a sweat with my heart beat rapidly increasing. My brain feels like it has been overlaid with fog. I never imagined the worst part of Hellgate would be the nightmares. You hear about the Hellshow and the beasts that appear in the fighting ring, but once you kill the beasts, the fight is over. You can't kill your nightmares.

I have been cooped up in this prison for about a week, probably. I haven't really counted the days. I spend my time sleeping, planning a seemingly impossible escape, or avoiding anyone who looks like they could kill me if I look at them the wrong way. So far it is going well. As well as it can be rotting in Hellgate. I am just waiting for Pekka to pay out my bail and free me.

When I was being sent here on the small boat, I considered jumping off and hauling ass back to shore. The Council of the Tides was watching my every move, however, and they could've had me drowned in an instant. My revolvers were ripped off my belt; I was utterly defenseless in that moment. It is moments like these that I wish I inherited the Grisha powers from my father. I wouldn't need to reach for my belt any time I needed to have a weapon.

I walk slowly to the communal area of the prison. The light in this circular room is dim. Here, prisoners can chat with each other or roughen each other up. I stick to the wall. There are no other girls here in Hellgate. Judging by the light, it is either early morning or dusk. I observe the others around me and notice they are buzzing with anticipation. I must've missed something while I was sleeping.

Conversation grows louder into a steady hum. The room is packed full and people keep sneaking glances at a door on the far wall. It is the door that leads to the other parts of the prison besides the cells. Everybody is waiting for something. I know what it is. I hear the faint cheers from the crowd and the slight vibration of the floor from their feet stomping in excitement.

West Stave Story [Kaz Brekker X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now