Coffers and Curfews

348 12 20

~ Y/N pov ~

"Kaz has a job for you," Inej says, perching on my windowsill like the crows that come by.

I am still in bed; the sun has just barely started to come up. Grumbling, I smoosh my face into my pillow.

"Since when is he my boss?"

"Since your boss left you in prison," she says quietly, walking to my bed to roll me over.

I do not resist as I get rolled onto my back, facing her bronze skin that is slowly getting illuminated by the rising sun. She smiles a little at my sleep-mussed hair and I bat her hands away as she tries to sit me up.

"When is this job supposed to be? Kaz does his shadiest work at night, and I am sure he has informed you of my curfew by now," I say.

It has been a few days since I saw Kaz at the shops, picking up costumes. He is rarely seen throughout the day in the Barrel, just mosying around. While the sun is up, he is typically busy being the floor boss at the Crow Club. When the night falls, though, that is where the rumors come to existence. People say he doesn't need a reason but he seems to be full of them.

"I believe his exact words were: when has she ever followed the rules? She makes them up as she goes," Inej says, doing her best to imitate Kaz's rasp.

I giggle at that and finally sit up. "Okay fine, I guess that is true. So what time is he thinking?"

"Midnight. Meet by the old coffeehouse near the Slat," she says, going to my chest and sifting through my clothes.

"And if I get caught?"

"You won't get caught if you exit through your window. You've done that before, right?"

I shake my head. "I've never had a reason to sneak away from Pekka until now."

"Well, there comes a time for everything then," she says, picking up a tunic and setting it on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, still sitting within my sheets.

"You look like you haven't moved in days."

I shrug. "I have nothing to do during the day that involves the thrill of barrel business. Plus my revolvers are gone. What is there to do?"

"Guard the Emerald Palace?"

"I cannot stand around all day waiting for something to happen. I want to make something happen."

She gestures to me. "You seem content with sitting around all day in your bed."

"This is different."

Inej grabs my hands and pulls me to my feet. "Come get coffee with me at Kooperem. My treat. Maybe I'll even buy you a waffle."

I walk over to the tunic and pull it on. "Inej, you know the way to my heart."

She smiles now, a beautiful thing. "Late night Barrel jobs and coffee?"

"Late night Barrel jobs and waffles," I amend. "And also having your company, dear Inej, treasure of my heart."

She turns away, heading to the window. "Save your smooth words for Kaz. I'll meet you outside."

And with that, she disappears out of my window. I finish getting ready and braid my hair, heading out my room and down the stairs. I pass Pekka's office without a glance. I am not doing anything suspicious. At least, not right now.

I meet Inej outside of the Den and she leads me to Kooperem, the most popular breakfast spot in the slums. The place is bustling, but not with early risers. Most of the customers have been awake all night, free to roam wherever they please.

West Stave Story [Kaz Brekker X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now