Riots and Revolvers

379 11 14

~ Y/N pov ~

"What's the plan, Y/N?" Kaz asks, standing beside me at the head of the table.

This is the fourth day we have been cooped up in this tomb. I had lain awake last night, thinking of how we can use our new crewmates to get Pekka right where we want him. And although it was dark and Jesper's snores interrupted my thoughts every five seconds, I am sure I had a scheming face on.

Now, Jes hypes me up as I look at the Crows seated at the table. I give him a smile and begin:

"We need to kill Pekka, obviously. That is the end goal. But we can't just walk up to him, put a gun to his back, and call it a day. He has eyes everywhere in the city looking for us. We can't walk on the same streets twice and we definitely can't go on West Stave without cover. The Stadwatch are set on us, too," I say.

"So the whole city is trying to kill us?" Matthias asks incredulously.

I nod. "Yep. Welcome to our crew. The focus is on the Crows of Ketterdam. But you know who it isn't on?"

Kaz smirks, already knowing what I'm gonna say, but Jes takes a guess. "Roydan?"

"Well..yes...sort of...but no. We aren't talking about him. I'm talking about Alby."

"Pekka's son," Inej states.

"Correct. We can threaten him like we originally planned."

Nina looks around. "Damn what did this child do?"

"Have Pekka as a father," Jesper adds.

Kaz turns to me. "Was Pekka ever in a specific place at a certain time? Somewhere out of the Den, maybe out of the Barrel, where he could potentially be tending to his kid?"

I shrug. "He was just at the Den a lot for paperwork. I assumed he was just at business meetings when he was gone. That is pretty much all I know."

"And we can't go there without the Dime Lions nipping at our heels," Kaz mutters, gaze going distant.

"Pekka has an estate outside of the city. I heard him mention it once. But he didn't talk about it again. Albeit that's where his son lives," I say.

Kaz holds his palm out to me, a proud look in his eyes. "Bullet, please."

I take one bullet out of the Hellshow and place it in his hand. With the fine point of his lockpick, he etches Alby's name into the side.

"Jesper, Nina, and I will make a distraction," Kaz says. "Y/N and Inej will cover Matthias as he puts this bullet in Pekka's office. It will send a message."

Matthias raises a brow as Inej crosses her arms. "Kaz, we are not killing his son. We've been over this-"

"What good is a person dealing with cards if they can't bluff? I don't have to kill Pekka's son. My reputation will do that for me. He will see this bullet and imagine all the brutal ways I could end his child's life. Then he will rush to his property outside of the city, where the Dime Lions aren't prowling. That is where we will get him."

I nod. "Secrets are the most powerful weapon in this city. Matthias can use his Fjerdan might to carry Pekka's ass all the way back here."

"And then?" Kaz asks, looking to me for an ultimatum.

"Then we make an example out of him."


The morale is high from all of us as we break from our meeting to prepare for the job. Kaz gives us two hours to fuel up and recoop, and Nina immediately goes for the food stores.

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