Backstreets and Black Veil

403 11 18

~ Y/N Pov ~

I've heard the lowest circle of hell is reserved for those who betray their friends. I guess this is what it must be like. We've all betrayed someone here. It just comes down to who will survive the revenge cycle.

I leave the knife in Ro's back and step away, feeling like there is blood on my hands where there is none. What have I done? Kaz steps back as well, looking at me. I have chosen him over my brother. The lowest circle of hell is hot. And for some reason, smells floral.

In an instant, the Dime Lions all pull out their weapons and aim at Jesper, Kaz, and I. They rush over to where Ro is hunched over, reaching for the knife in his back. Jesper, Kaz, and I all back away from the fight, still facing my former gang in case they make any moves.

"We have no weapons between the three of us. If they shoot, we are dead. Why aren't they shooting yet?" I whisper.

"They're deciding whether they want to kill you or me more."

"They could take us both out in seconds."

"They aren't going to kill you when your brother is right there," Kaz says, stepping behind me. "And they aren't going to risk shooting at me if you're in the way."

"Kaz Brekker, you better be right because I am not about to be your human shield."

The Dime Lions help Ro stand up straight and immediately he raises his gun, shakily at best, aimed right me at -- or Kaz. Honestly, he could be going for either one of us right now. The look in his eyes is hungry. His gun is ready to go.

"May the Saints receive you-"

Roydan's words are cut off by a gunshot right next to my ear. Kaz's hand is over my shoulder, the smoke still pouring out of his pistol. My ear rings as I watch my brother fall to his knees.

"You had a gun this whole time!?" I yell.

"I did. For a moment like this. First, I needed to see what you would do if your traitorous brother attempted to kill me. You did good. Now let's go-"


I dart back across the Exchange towards the Dime Lions, all aiming at me, all still hesitant to shoot. All I wanted was for Ro to stop; I do not want him to die. Blood races down his leg, his gun has since been dropped on the ground.

I hear ragged breathing behind me and the first Dime Lion shots ring out. They are shooting for Kaz, but still I cover my head. Some knives whizz out of nowhere and bury deep into their chests. Inej is covering us from the balconies.

Jesper must've grabbed Kaz's pistol because more shots are added to the mix and more members of the gang fall, clutching their bodies. I yelp as Kaz grabs my arm, yanking me back.

"We need to go," he says, a bullet flying too close for comfort.

I turn away, pulling against Kaz's grip. "But you shot hi-"

"He is fine. I didn't shoot anything vital, I made sure of that. Now c'mon."

Kaz drags me away from the bloody scene, and I look back numbly at my brother, laying on the grounds of the Exchange. The Dime Lions continue to shoot as Inej and Jesper continue to cover us. How I wish for my revolvers right now.

A bullet grazes my thigh and I hiss in a sharp breath at the immediate pain that shoots through my leg. We are almost to the end. We are almost out.

I hear the chorus of my former gang members chanting:

"Traitor!! Traitor!!"

Whatever. This is war. Nothing is fair within it. I bet half of them didn't even like me anyways.

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