Part 19

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A/N: Haven't updated in so long, since I'm going into high school and have like soooo manyyyy honorsss creditsss I'm doing ahead of time, but if you came back, THANK YOU.


So, without further Ado. LOCKLYLEEEEE-

"-I love you, Lockwood." Lucy finished, letting out a small breath of air. Her cheeks instantly flamed up bright red. She had bedhead, definite bloodshot eyes, and an odd habit of getting herself into embarrassing situations without any proper preparation beforehand. This was supposed to happen at a fancy dinner party, where she was dolled up and presentable, at worst, she thought to herself frantically, cursing her own shortsightedness. 

  Then Lockwood was grinning, his eyes even crinkling upwards in the corners, and he was leaning forward, and-

  Lucy's entire brain. was. fried. 

  Lockwood had just kissed her. And then, as if the moment couldn't get any more overwhelming, he opened his mouth and said: "Lucy, I cannot help but share the feeling." "What?" Lucy asked, absolutely dumbfounded. "I love me too." he smirked, then held his hands up at Lucy's accusing stare. "All jokes, I love you." 

  It was at that heartwarming, intimate, beautiful moment that the door flew off its hinges-literally-, and sent six guilty eavesdroppers to the ground. "OWWW!" screamed Quill. "GET OFF OF ME YOU BIG OAF." he directed in George's direction from where he was right on top of him. "YOU FIRST, SLUG FOR BRAINS!" that was from Flo, who had the misfortune of having her arm trapped by Quill's backside. Norrie and Holly, ever light on their feet, had gracefully avoided falling with the rest of them, and Holly reached out a hand to Mary, pulling her off the ground and sweeping her beside them. 

  Lucy's face slowly reached the color of a ripe tomato, and then an otherwise impressive fire-hydrant shade of vermilion. "Were you all listening?" she asked, her voice high-pitched. "" George responded, sliding off of a groaning Quill like a deflated balloon. 

  Lucy picked up her slipper from the floor, much to Lockwood's bemusement. Holly, Mary and Norrie, who had the fortune of being the closest to the doorway, shrieked with equal parts laughter and fear and ran out. Flo fixed Lucy a death stare, picking herself up off the floor dignifiedly, and Lucy chose to avoid certain death, averting her attention towards a wide-eyed Kipps and George, who was scampering downstairs like a frightened groundhog, but not quite fast enough. 

  "What did I get myself into?" Lockwood mused to the empty room. "Don't know, Locky, but you'd better watch yourself. Otherwise you'll be on the receiving end of that slipper someday." Flo laughed, leaning against the doorway, a bag of crisps somehow having appeared in her hands. 

  Lockwood crinkled his nose at her, trying to suppress a smile as he headed downstairs to try to comfort his raging, maniacal and overall sleep-deprived girlfriend. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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