183 8 17

Kennedy Simmons

"Good morning, sunshine."

Harry's playful voice was the first thing I heard when I opened my eyes this morning. His smiley face was the first thing I saw.

He was in good mood.

That's suspicious.

His whole face was lit and he looked like a teenager the first day after school ended. His messy hair and adorable dimples made him look incredibly cute. He looked nothing like the dangerous man I knew he was.

For some reason I felt so safe and comfortable that I mindlessly snuggled up to him. His arm that was already around me pulled me even closer and he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

What the fuck is going on?

"You're scaring me?" I mumbled. "Why?" Even his voice was softer today. Something was definitely not right. "You're acting so different. You act like... a decent human beeing."

Nice way to put it, Kennedy.


Instead of getting offended he found my comment quite amusing and a short laugh left his lips. "Well, you're right. But today I have many reasons to be in a good mood. First of all, yesterday my enemy was defeated by me, today I'm having a party to celebrate that and last but not least, I feel good. Can't remember the last time I slept that well. You obviously tired me out. Best sex I've ever had."

I couldn't help but blush at his words. I agreed that yesterday was... nice... Who am I even kidding? He was the best sex I ever had. He could please me in ways I could never imagine. But that didn't mean I was comfortable enough to take part in a conversation about it.

"You're so cute when you get shy... But I prefer it when you're confident... Just like you were yesterday." He said with his usual smirk on his face.

Please remind me what I did yesterday?

Oh yeah...

I teased him on the car and then left him like that and then I had sex with him and I was pretty vocal. The Kennedy Simmons I know is silent while having sex but of course he had to change that. He had driven me to a point that I couldn't get enough and I couldn't control it.

But God it felt good...

Can't say I wouldn't do that again. Maybe I should let loose more often. Everytime I did it I was left pleased... by Harry.

"I need to take a shower." I mumbled and proceeded to get off bed. As I was doing so Harry was looking at me with a devilish grin plastered on his face.

What was he planning now?

Holly shit!

The moment I stood up I immediately fell back on the bed. My thighs were hurting and we both knew why. Harry couldn't hold back his laughter as I glared at him. "I did I good job yesterday, didn't I?"


I gathered all the strength I had and managed to stand up again. I walked around my bed and collected my clothes ignoring the burn between my thighs. I tried not to limp or show any sign of soreness.

"Nah. I think you can do better." I teased.

What has gotten into me? I was literally asking him to fuck me again but this time even harder. I was playing with fucking fire!

He pretended to be offended and covered his face with his hands in a dramatic way. "Really? I didn't do a good job? I have to make it up to you. Actually... I can do that right now."

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