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Alexa Simmons

I had a bad feeling. I didn't know what exactly was wrong, but I couldn't take my mind off it. You couldn't blame me though. This situation was so familiar.

"Come on! Lighten up, cupcake!" Charlie said after he pushed me playfully. He had a huge smile on his face just like everyone else, including Harry.

I couldn't understand how visiting an exhibition about murders in horror shows and real-life crimes would make them happy, but it did, especially Dustin, who seemed more excited than everyone. I, on the other hand, was just grateful that we were all together for once without worrying. I couldn't care less about the exhibition. I was so used to death that it didn't touch me – at least as long as it didn't affect anyone I cared about.

Harry and Dustin, Charlie and Benji, Lincoln and Kendra and even Tatum and Ollie. Almost everyone was here. Mika and Louis would come too, but Louis had to be out of America for business, and Mika decided to follow him. Mick and Zayn had to run the club so they didn't come either.

"Leave my girlfriend alone, Charlie, or else..." Harry pretended that his hand was a gun and he was shooting him. Of course that didn't scare Charlie. If anything, it encouraged him to be more annoying. "I'm shot!" He screamed and placed his hands over his chest dramatically. I was so thankful that there weren't people around because if there were they would most probably call the police.

Harry wasn't too happy today. The day started with bad news. Someone from his people released Archie, who, for some reason, was still alive but fucked up.

I didn't care. I knew that Harry had made his life a living hell, and I knew that I would make sure his last moments would be a torture.

And as if this wasn't enough Harry found out that there were possibilities that Alex was behind everything.

Not Clark.


He was at Harvard at the time and wanted to kill me. There were suspicious messages addressed to 'Alex' that made Harry believe that he had something to do with the original murder attempts against me, and, honestly, it made sense.

"Guys, we're here!" Dustin exclaimed and clapped his hands with excitement. "Everyone shut up! We have to get in the mood or else it will be pointless." I had no idea how I was supposed to 'get in the mood', but I remained silent for his sake, just like everyone else.

There was only a guy at the entrance. We didn't need a ticket or anything so he immediately let us pass. I noticed that there weren't any people around either but that didn't surprise me since the exhibition only officially opened five minutes ago.

"Oh my God!" Dustin exclaimed the moment we entered. There were bloody clothes everywhere, weapons, things that seemed to have remained after a fire, drawings and sketches.

I didn't pay much attention to it. I remained by Harry's side the whole time. His arm was resting on my shoulder as he made sure I was always as close to him as possible.

Just like me, he couldn't care less about the exhibition but he came anyway. Actually, I'm pretty sure that the only people who cared about this were Dustin and Charlie, also known as the two kids of the group.

As we walked deeper inside the exhibition I noticed one particular shirt that seemed kinda familiar. It was a plain white top that was ripped in various spots. Blood had covered most parts of it.

One look at the caption confirmed my fears.

It was a single name.

Cecile Johnson

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