Chaoter 9

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"Hey." Lee appears beside Oakley.

"Stuff is in the back." Darius shoots a thumb backwards to his car.

Lee goes to retrieve it while Oakley just stares at us.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"All good, Bambi." He replies.

"What did you call me?" I laugh.

"Bambi. That's my nickname for you."

"Why?" I tilt my head.

"Why do I have a nickname for you?"

"Well, that and why is it Bambi?"

"Well." He starts. "I chose Bambi because of your doey deer eyes. And because your eyes are like a deers', I started thinking about them. They prance around wherever they live, right? And then I thought, hey! That's what ballerinas do. They prance around doing little jumps and spins and shit. So I chose to call you Bambi. And the reason why I gave you a name, apart from the fact that we're going to be best friends," He glances down and I realise that I still haven't taken my hand out of Darius's.

I slip my fingers out of his grip and fold my hands behind my back.

"An hour in and you're already gone, brother?"

"An hour? Psh!" He waves his hand. "I've been hitting it since nearly seven."

"Tis true." Lee walks up with the bag in his arms.

"Well, slow down." Darius says. "I'm not helping you out of any holes tonight."

"Oh, I don't need help with getting out of holes, Dare. Or with getting into them." Oakley winks.

"Fucker." He shoves him and faces me. "Let's go."

He leads me with a hand on my back into the house.

The space seems to come even more alive when he steps in. People yelling his name and urging him to go over. Praising and congratulating him.

Oh yeah. The team had a game today. Unsurprising that they won. They do almost every time they play. There's always a remnant buzz about it every week until they win again, replaying the cycle.

As I allow him to guide me through the party, I yet again get the feeling of eyes on me. Just like in the classroom.

I mean, I guess being with the school's most popular guys is most likely something to be envious of but I feel like the looks I'm getting are personal.

And I can't hear it over the sound of the party, but I know there are whispers to go hand in hand with the faces.

I keep going, though. Trying to ignore the prickly feeling along my spine.

We enter the kitchen and there are less people in here.

He leans down and lowers his mouth to my ear. "Do you want a drink?"

I shake my head.

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"There's water and other stuff, too, if you don't want alcohol."

I purse my lips and eye the table of drinks. Then, point to what I think is blue lemonade.

He takes me in another direction, though. Into a room next to the kitchen. It holds a few refrigerators and cupboards.

He opens one of the refrigerators and pulls out a bottle of the drink I wanted.

I give him a questioning expression and he gestures to the main kitchen.

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