Chapter 65

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Waking up with Darius, whether that be from a nap or a night long sleep, is always able to put a smile to my mood.

However, when that moment consists of a nonstop ringing ringtone, that smile is automatically delayed and or replaced with a frown.

He groans and pulls me closer against him, my back to his front.

I reach over and swipe my phone off of the nightstand. Barely glancing at the ID or the fact that it was a freaking FaceTime call. But by the time I press answer, it's already too late.

"About time!" The voice filters in, very much awake, to my room.

I feel Darius tense and it nearly wakes me up enough to release a laugh. But my body is still too tired for that, right now.

"Tell your cousin to save her elaborate stories for later." He presses his face into the back of my neck.

"Oh, you have company." Daci realises as she enters the frame. "What was that, hockey boy?"

He lifts his head. "I said it's too early for your shit."

"How rude." She flips her hair over her shoulder.

"Anyway." I rub the sleep from my eyes. "What is it?"

"I need your help picking an outfit for tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"Something you shouldn't be worrying about at eight in the morning." Darius mumbles.

"Excuse you?" She tilts her head, her tone sweet.

"I said," he leans up on his elbow so that he hovers over me and looks at her through the screen. "choke on that tea in front of you and if you're still alive by three o'clock, call back and maybe we'll answer." He then proceeds to reach over and end the call.

"Wh-" I sit up and elbow him. "Don't do that. That isn't nice."

"Sorry." He says in the most insincere way possible and goes to lie back down.

I call her back and she answers on the third ring. "You know, I really don't know what you see in him. If I were you, I'd wait until he falls back asleep and then stick a chopstick up his-"

"Okay-" I try and intervene.

"Well, it's a good thing she isn't you." Dare retorts.

"Yeah, it is. Because if she was, you wouldn't have woken up today at all."

"Alright! Can you two lay off of each other now? Daci, show me your options."

Darius huffs but dials it back, closing his eyes again and Daciana stands to go and get whatever it is she wants to show me. But I don't miss the eye roll she sports on the way.

While she's away, Darius repositions us so that I have a pillow behind my back to lean up on, and then he lays his head in my lap. I smile down at him, beginning to play with the thick strands of his hair.

"So." Daci reappears, Isabelle following suit with a rack of clothes. "I have two options for colour schemes."

"What was tonight for again?"

"Oh, right. Remember when I told you about that big charity event?"

"You tell me about a lot of those. You'll have to be more specific."

"Right. Well, this one is particularly interesting because there's a rumour that some new attendees are joining."

"And would these attendees be possible suitors?"

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